Who Said It: Harry Enfield Or HRH Prince Charles?
Who Said It: Harry Enfield Or HRH Prince Charles?
As comic royalty Harry Enfield is crowned Prince Charles in hilarious new Channel 4 comedy The Windsors on Virgin Media this week. We ask you to guess which quotes have been uttered by the real Prince Charles, and which are Enfield's legendary quips? Visit www.virginmediapresents.com for all the info...
As comic royalty Harry Enfield is crowned Prince Charles in hilarious new Channel 4 comedy The Windsors on Virgin Media this week. We ask you to guess which quotes have been uttered by the real Prince Charles, and which are Enfield's legendary quips? Visit www.virginmediapresents.com for all the info...

“Women aren’t interested in an old saddo like me.”
“I learned the way a monkey learns – by watching its parents.”
“Father told me that if I ever met a lady in a dress like yours, I must look her straight in the eyes.”
“I’m doing nothing.”
“I just come and talk to the plants, really – very important to talk to them, they respond I find.”
“You are not my mate and you’re not my fellow DJ!”
“It’s very important not to have beetroot. It turns one’s chips pink.”
“As long as I don’t get covered too much in egg and tomato, I’ll be all right.”
“Are you a graduate of English literature? They’re the only people I have time for.”
“I’m in love with this woman and I need to buy her a few things.”