Which Avatar Element Are You Linked Too?

Were you born in the Fire Nation, The Water Tribes, The Air Temples, or The Earth Kingdom? Find out now!

Created by pjohoojf (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 21, 2015

Your friend punches you on the arm. You:

You walk into a store and notice someone stealing. You:

You run into an old enemy. You:

A friend invites you over for lunch. You:

How spiritual are you? (This does not mean religious.)

If you could choose between a fun, easy life, or a difficult, yet fulfilling life, which would you choose?

What subject comes most naturally to you?

What is your favorite color theme?



Fire is a dangerous element! It is fierce and hard to control. Anger and hatred come easily to a wielder of fire, though, the true masters have learned to use it for heat, light, and protection. Be wise, young firebender, and your gift will serve you well!



Water is a peaceful element! It is calm and conforms to the world around it. Love and serenity are natural abilities for the waterbender! However, it can also be cold and cause damage if you do not have the inner balance it takes. Be wise, young waterbender, and your gift will serve you well!



Earth is a strong element! It is tough as nails and hard to move. Benders of the Earth Kingdom are brave fighters and know what to do to protect what matters! However, if you are not careful, you can accidentally crush those who are weaker and cause more damage than you intended. Be wise, young earthbender, and your gift will serve you well!



Air is a flowing element! It moves about wherever it wants and is a master of the spiritual realm. These nomads do not let themselves get attached to material possesions or get upset when things do not go there way. They are good encouragers and no how to keep a light mood in the air (pun intended). However, they need to be careful and remember that there needs to a balance between spiritual and material. Be wise, young airbender, and your gift will serve you well!



As the avatar, you are a little like all the other elements! You have the fierceness of fire, the strength of earth, the peace of water, and have a connection to the spiritual world, just as air does. However, you also have the hardest task, as you are supposed to be the ultimate protector, the ultimate guide, and the ultimate judge. Sometimes, things do not always go as well as yu had planned. Be wise, Avatar, if you are going to maintain peace, balance, and order in this world you live in!

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