Which Hamilton Character Are You?
Which Hamilton Character Are You?
You ready for more yet?
You ready for more yet?
What is most important to you?
What are peoples first impressions of you?
Walking into a shopping centre your first stop is:
Which deadly sin do you most relate to?
Choose a stock photo
Which of these musicals is do you like most?
What is your weakest quality?
Which location would you most like to holiday in?
What century most fascinates you?
How do you respond to insults?
In friends you most value:
How would you most like to die?
Strength is found:
Do you believe in an afterlife?
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
What you are: Bastard, orphan, son-of-a-whore, scotsman, that ten dollar founding father without a father
(aka. Bright young man!)
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Mr Age-of-Enlightenment - reticent, hesitant and kicking ass
Aaron Burr (sir)
Aaron Burr (sir)
What you are: Inimitable, original
What you also are: A damn fool
Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton
Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton
Trusting kind and helpless - we know we don't deserve you
Angelica Schuyler- Church
Angelica Schuyler- Church
You: Intense, dazzling and never satisfied
Georges Washington
Georges Washington
What you are: Born to lead, the pride of mount vernon, the model of a modern major general (your excellency sir)
Phillip Hamilton
Phillip Hamilton
You amaze and astonish! Like your father - but bolder
(p.s. also a little nervous)
King George III
King George III
We will miss you when we leave