The Wizard of Oz Behind the scenes

Can you handle the heat????

Riley Marie
Created by Riley Marie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jul 8, 2015
1 / 10

At a 1998 auction how much did the Wicked Witch's hat sell for ?

2 / 10

Judy Garland was born on June 10th ?

3 / 10

In 1956 which television network purchased the rights to The Wizard of Oz ?

4 / 10

True or False: Ray Bolger stopped dancing soon after the movie was released ?

5 / 10

Betty Danko was whose stunt double ?

6 / 10

Which studio would not lend Shirley Temple to MGM for the role of Dorothy ?

7 / 10

True or False: The color portion of the movie was filmed in Colorama ?

8 / 10

How many Munchkins appeared in the movie ?

9 / 10

How much did one pair of Ruby Slippers cost to make ?

10 / 10

In which city was the first sneak preview of the movie ?

Questions left
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021