Which Character From "It's The Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown" Are You?
Which Character From "It's The Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown" Are You?
If you believe in The Easter Beagle he will bring you all the eggs you need this year, but do you share the personality of The Easter Beagle or one of the other Peanuts characters in this beloved ageless classic?
If you believe in The Easter Beagle he will bring you all the eggs you need this year, but do you share the personality of The Easter Beagle or one of the other Peanuts characters in this beloved ageless classic?
Your sweet babboo is a dreamer who believes in everything from the Man in the Moon to The Great Pumpkin, how do you react to their blind faith?
Your "Friend" Lucy always tricks you into falling on your back when she pulls the ball away, this time she promises she won't do it to you, what are you going to do?
Someone has bought you a new house, which of these would you want to put in it first to make it more homely?
You've decided the best way to win at your own Easter Egg Hunt is to hide the eggs so well only you and your map will find them again, does this sound like you?
Where would you dance merrily on your own?
Your BFF is very sweet but has absolutely no common sense, how would you react if they did something mind-numbingly stupid?
Your best friend just delivered your Easter Egg but managed to hit you on head with it, how do you react?
Your best friend has given all the Easter Eggs away to everyone else and you are left without one, how do you feel?
You've been kissed by a dog, how do you react?
Pick some Easter Eggs for yourself, courtesy of The Easter Beagle obviously .....
You are Charlie Brown
You are Charlie Brown
Yes you are indeed the perfect twin of Charlie Brown.
For someone deemed a clown and somebody who often thinks himself the fool instead of the hero, you do pretty well for yourself, various members of the Peanuts gang have pledged their love for you on many an occasion, so what exactly do you do so right?
Well that is indeed the mystery of life is it not, ok so you are a trier, a true friend, gentle, innocent and kind-hearted but lacking in self-confidence.
Just like many of us you are sometimes optimistic and however just as often pessimistic but never a defeatist........ you are our hero
You are Snoopy
You are Snoopy
Yes you are indeed the perfect twin of Snoopy, or in this case The Easter Beagle too.
What's it like to be a cult-hero, for that is indeed what you are?
You are happy-go-lucky, good-natured, innocent, loyal and have a vivid imagination.
Oh did we mention everybody loves you and strangely enough you are as close to being the perfect human as anyone could be ........ we too love you
You are Linus Van Pelt
You are Linus Van Pelt
Yes you are indeed the perfect twin of Linus Van Pelt.
One of life's true philosophers, you are a total enigma on the one hand you can't live without your security blanket, on the other hand most of your observations of life you share with the world make people open-mouthed with astonishment at your wisdom.
Ok so you are childlike in many ways but don't ever change we need people like yourself to help us understand the crazy world we live in .....
You are Sally Brown
You are Sally Brown
Yes you are indeed the perfect twin of Sally Brown.
It's hard being the younger sister, all you ever wanted was his bigger bedroom and more space.
But hey you adapted, you are nothing like your big brother and quite thankful for it too.
Your Sweet Babboo has always been Linus who you adore no matter how strange he sometimes seems to you.
Not exactly very sporting you are someone who likes having a small group of friends who you are very loyal to.
Scared of nobody, you are have always been very popular and someone friends can lean on for help ....
You are Lucy Van Pelt
You are Lucy Van Pelt
Yes you are indeed the perfect twin of Lucy Van Pelt.
On the minus side you are a bit of a fuss-pot,a lttle vain and can be "slightly" antagonistic and have penchant for complaining and playing some ghastly tricks on those around you.
However on the plus side you are a great and loyal friend who when the chips are down will rally round and make even the biggest problem go away.
You are a very private person, a deep thinker and when people get to know you and your "Sense of humour" they will have found a friend for life ......
You are Woodstock
You are Woodstock
Yes you are indeed the perfect twin of Woodstock.
You are a trusted and loyal friend as Woodstock is to Snoopy.
You have a wonderful sense of humour and never tire of the gentle digs and tricks that friends such as Snoopy play on you.
You like nothing more than a game of Bridge with your high brow friends and though you may not have a head for heights (you get nose-bleeds when you're above 10 feet), you have both feet firmly planted on the ground and are one of life's most level-headed free spirits ......
You are Peppermint Patty
You are Peppermint Patty
Yes you are indeed the perfect twin of Peppermint Patty.
Ok so your grades at school may not have been the best ever and sometimes you do rather get confused with what's going on around you, but hey someone who lives in the fast lane of life such as yourself doesn't really have the time us ordinary mortals have to stop and smell the roses.
You are a doer not a watcher, a go-getter not someone who waits on something coming to you.
You are both loyal to a fault and a wonderful friend.
Your sporting accolades are the stuff of legend, a born leader who'll drag along even the least enthusiastic team-mates to heights they could never dream of.
As your father always told you, you are indeed a "rare gem" .....
You are Marcie
You are Marcie
Yes you are indeed the perfect twin of Marcie.
Ok so you may not be gifted with the most common sense ever but you are probably the most intelligent of all the Peanuts Characters.
You are very studious, forever with your head in a book learning as much as anyone could possibly take in.
True you are not the most sporty of people, but when your team is a player short you won't hesitate to volunteer as your loyalty cannot be argued with.
To be honest you are almost the complete opposite of your BFF, the tomboy that is Peppermint Patty but together you make up a highly formidable pair, woe betide anyone who comes between you and your friends or loved ones as you'll change from your usual quiet, passive self and become a tiger not afraid to show their teeth to defend you and yours ...... You are awesome