Which Mother Goose/Nursery Rhyme Character are You?
Which Mother Goose/Nursery Rhyme Character are You?
Are you like Little Miss Muffet, pensively sitting on her tuffet or more like some other childhood character etched in your memory, let's find out ...
Are you like Little Miss Muffet, pensively sitting on her tuffet or more like some other childhood character etched in your memory, let's find out ...
Here's Old MacDonald down on his farm, but if you had a farm what would be your favourite animal?
Here's Doctor Foster who most certainly isn't gonna visit Gloucester again, but which of these places would you prefer never to have to return to?
Here they are going round and round in a ring of roses, they may fall down but usually get back up to do it all over again, but which of these round objects would you most like to eat?
Here he is good old Brother John, he could sleep through a nuclear war but put yourself in his shoes for a moment what would you say to the cheery girl in yellow when she finally wakes you?
Hey diddle, diddle this is the cat and their fiddle ..... but which musical instrument would you have been playing if you were the cat?
We don't like judging old women forced to live in shoes with innumerable children who whips her kids at bedtime but we'll make an exception ... "Old woman you are out of order!" However for a moment put yourself in her feet (sorry) if you had to live in footwear, what kind would you choose?
Here's jolly Jack Horner himself forever spending Christmas sitting in a corner sticking his thumb in, what a guy! But hey if you were eating pie what kind would you prefer?
Oh how we wish we were a fly on the wall watching this scene, in today's world a video of this would probably receive about 10 million hits, shame. But hey if you wanted to teach 3 blind mice a lesson what weapon would you use?
Why a goose would care if an old man said his prayers or not we shall never know. But what we would like to find out is now that the we no longer have Lady's Chambers in our houses, which room in your house is your favourite?
Look there he is Humpty Dumpty as ever sitting atop his wall and oops down he goes, I ask you did his mother never tell him it's dangerous for an egg to sit on a wall? Never mind though now he's cracked open what egg dish would you make with his insides?
You are Mary Mary Quite Contrary
You are Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Ah so you are the contrary one, always disagreeing with everyone else .... and why not your way is always best after all.
And hey what about those green fingers of yours ....... you are forever the nurturer , show them off, show them off ...
You are LIttle Miss Muffet
You are LIttle Miss Muffet
So there you were minding your own business, happy in your own little world (as you always are) and wouldn't you know it something or someone invades your space.
Well Miss Muffet there's nothing wrong with being contented but there will always be times when others intrude and spoil things, take the rough with the smooth, the curds with the whey and your undoubted optimism will as ever triumph .....
You are Little Bo Peep
You are Little Bo Peep
Oh dear, oh dear you are an airhead aren't you, losing all those sheep. Oh well if a job's worth doing it's worth doing well and the fact that you lost the lot, not managing to find any proves you are indeed a real expert.
Anyway if anything good has come of this sorry incident I'm sure as ever you've learned your lesson and hey that's what life is all about, you make mistakes and rectify .... go you!!
You are Jill (Friend of Jack)
You are Jill (Friend of Jack)
Oh dear poor old you forever helpful struggling up that hill to fetch that pail of water with your friend Jack and what do you know you didn't wear your safety gear and down the hill you went head first.
Well thankfully all you had was a few bruises to show for your trouble unlike Jack with the huge bump on his head. If you have learned anything from this experience let it be that when as ever you are being generous with your time and lending a hand remember that health and safety is paramount ...
You are Old Mother Hubbard
You are Old Mother Hubbard
Lordy, lord there you were off to feed your doggie a nice a juicy bone only to devastate the poor pooch because there were none left.
If you've learned anything from this experience ..... always remember to get enough shopping in or you and yours starve .....
You are Wee Willie Winkie
You are Wee Willie Winkie
Who do you think you are .... the sleep police?
Who told you all children should be asleep by 10 O'clock?
Someone obsessed like you running up and down stairs and rapping at windows and doors in their PJ's really needs to have a word with themselves.
We know you mean well but please, please give it a rest ...
You are Simple Simon
You are Simple Simon
Simon, Simon, Simon simple by name, simple by nature .... trying to blag pies, go fishing for whales in a bucket and collecting water in a sieve just ain't gonna happen.
But hey your innocence and childlike qualities sure make us smile ......
You are Georgie Porgie
You are Georgie Porgie
Georgie, Georgie, Georgie normally you shake hands to introduce yourself, but apparently not you straight for the lips stealing a kiss.
Well nobody could ever fault you for your honesty and directness that's for sure, but hey maybe just turn it down a tad ......