What Two Magic The Gathering Colors Are You? (MTG)
What Two Magic The Gathering Colors Are You? (MTG)
If you want it based on personality, answer as though it was you in real life. If you want it based on playstyle, answer as to what you would do if you had the power to do so.
If you want it based on personality, answer as though it was you in real life. If you want it based on playstyle, answer as to what you would do if you had the power to do so.

If you could master anything, what would it be?
What qualities would you want your closest subjects to have in order to achieve your goals?
What's your prefered ways of achieving a goal?
Your place is...
You'd rather die...
How would you want others to view you?
You must venture through a dark and well guarded fortress of a powerful empire in order to destroy it's king, and you have the option of choosing one mythological creature companion to join you, you choose . . .
As new king, you must choose how your authority is to be handled, you...
How do you honestly envision yourself in the magic universe?
A man has tried to harm you and/or your friends, you...
The best offense is...
Pick a power...
While other people try to live by strict moral principles, you are instead serving your whims and desires. However, you are very orderly or busy, and always tend to important matters. You don't believe in making decisions based on moral values, but instead, only concern yourself with pressing matters, such as destroying a race of ancients that could destroy the entire multi-verse.
You are not evil, nor without morals, you instead just make decisions based off of which has the best results, and aren't afraid to indulge in your desires. In essence, if you had the option of sparing the life of a potential threat, or killing them, you would choose to kill them, for "the right thing" isn't always "the best thing."
Intelligent and orderly. You either stand by strict moral principles, or you believe that there needs to be *intelligent* order in the world. When it comes to making decisions, you consider what is best for your people, and which move makes the most sense.
You believe that order is the way to accomplish anything, and the way to keep peace and safety, but you aren't foolish enough to believe any order will do. You seek intelligent order, where the wisest would rule. In essence, your ideal strategy is being strategic enough to stop your opponents before they even get started, and then ensure victory with your orderly allies.
"Legion" is the word that would describe you. You believe in order, but not in the way most view it. You believe in the principles of brotherhood, law, loyalty, etc.
You believe in order and law as it fits to honor and justice. You defend such order and law by military might, and usually a large army of close men loyal to each other and their values. In essence, you rule because you are strong and able. Your legion is not some large army of men systemically loyal to law, but rather, a large force of men loyal to justice and honor.
You believe in natural order. Whether it be through natural selection of the strongest or fittest, or by adapting to fit the challenge. Your ideal army is a group of men and beasts alike who have disregarded the individual in order to act as a flawless and seamless system or machine.
You are nature incarnate. Animals come together and work together without blinding themselves with the personal pursuit that can destroy systems. However, amongst all groups, there is a strong leader guiding them, and you are that strong leader. In essence, there is no need for human-made order, for natural order is flawless when exercised.
Knowledge is power, and power is dominance. You believe that intelligence and knowledge are critical to winning wars, as they allow you to know the secrets of your enemies. However, unlike others, you are not afraid to use this knowledge to your advantage.
You are cunning and brutal. Your goals are often kept in secrecy. Whatever your goal is, you achieve it by outsmarting your opponent. Where others would simply desire to know the tactics of the enemy, you would go as far as to black-mail and corrupt the opposing forces. In essence, you are cunning, mysterious, strong, and brutal.
You are either a sadistic psycho, willing to do anything to get what you want, a person who believes in absolutely freedom, or you are a dark and ferocious power seeker. Either way you go, you leave order, honor and intelligence out the door, for the most part.
Freedom and chaos are absolute and necessary, and they are certainly the best way to achieve your goals. You disregard rules and morality in general, even if not on purpose or all the time. Your legion is loyal to you only because you are strong and savage enough to help them get what they want, or, perhaps your legion simply fears you greatly.
In essence, if you were visiting a plane with a goal in mind, you would either cause all sorts of chaos by simply disregarding any pre-existing rulers, or slaughter everyone and raise an army of zombies and demons instead.
"Unstoppable growth" might best describe you. You either believe in the collapse of structured society through powerful nature, or believe that the real "natural order" is everyone thinking and acting for themselves.
You are either powerful enough to dominate civilization with massive beasts and growths, or you believe that a group of elves who are all thinking for themselves can cooperate easier and achieve more than a group of men only thinking for the group.
In essence, you are either ruthless or selfish, seeking natural order as you see it, or the destruction of civilization so that only the laws of nature obstruct freedom.
You are passionate about knowledge and experiments, that is for sure. You leave order out of the door. Knowledge and passion are the true rulers, and will sort things out themselves.
You would either by an introvert, who seeks not to change society at all, but rather, not have anything to do with society in general, and instead seek your own hobbies, experiments or quests that no one would care to intervene with anyway, *or* you simply believe society is primitive by comparison of the knowledge and ideas you have, they would simply believe you are crazy, but rather, you believe in striver for the future through technology and a change in societal thinking.
You are an individual, and you will coordinate mostly with people similar to you. In essence, you are beyond society, whether you simply like to keep to yourself yet are passionate about what you do, or you believe in obtaining the future sooner.