What Makeup Style Are You?

Have you ever wondered what kinda makeup style suits you? CRAZY?!?! Or calm and collected? Or maybe none at all! Get ready for some crazy questions and find out what your true makeup style is!

Robin Stoll
Created by Robin Stoll (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 30, 2015

Pick an instrument!

Pick a set of nails YOU would wear!

Pick a pair of lips

What hairstyle do you want?

Pick a celeb you wanna look like!

Which eye would you where?

Which would you rather would you be:

Pick a pair of shoes!!!!

Pick a prom dress!

Pick a necklace!

Pick a pair of earrings!

Honestly, have you been enjoying this quiz?

Calm and collected!!

Calm and collected!!

Yay! You got the calm one. Good for you! You don't like putting on tons of makeup on! You would rather put on a simple coat of mascara. Not a lot of eye shadow, maybe none! You enjoy the simple things! So good for you! You're a rare diamond in the rocks. You're confident in yourself and everyone knows it!



Oh boy........ you got crazy one! The one that is NOT afraid to load. it. ON! Cuz honey, you will. You are very open and sometimes loud! Noooo all the time actually! You are the life of the PARTY!!!!!! You always are up for a good game or a night out to the movies! You love to travel, SO GO AND TRAVEL!!!!!

The Shy One

The Shy One

You got...... (drumroll please)...... The shy one!!!! You like wearing some, but not loads! You enjoy a good book when the crazy ones are off living it up, you stay at home, with coffee and a book! You like getting out. But you DO NOT, REPEAT DO NOT LIKE A LOT A PEOPLE ALL THE TIME! You need your quiet space. You are a very peaceful one, but sometimes completely explode with emotions and feelings!!! You need to get out of your comfort zone!

The pretty one!

The pretty one!

You got the pretty one!!! Yep thas right! You are a joy to be around! Everyones like "Yay! there she comes! WE NEED TO GO BASK IN HER PRESENCE!" Yeah thats right! Look around, Everybody loves you! Your makeup style is right in the middle! You like all the pretty pinks and purples! So what do you do???? You put them on!!



OH dear! You got DIVA! Let me guess you love chocolate, right? You like putting on ONLY the name brand stuff! You DONT go to dollar general or walmart to get your makeup, you go to the store where it was made and packaged, where the pros can tell you what lip liner look good with dem nice lips. And what eyeshadow makes your gorgeous eyes pop! You are amazing with people cuz you know a lot of everything! Keep going! You ROCK

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