Have You Been Tricked by Myths About LASIK?
Have You Been Tricked by Myths About LASIK?
Test your knowledge of LASIK - a procedure that can help give you visual freedom.
Test your knowledge of LASIK - a procedure that can help give you visual freedom.
LASIK is still a new technology so we don't know its long term results.
Contact lenses are safer than LASIK.
LASIK is more expensive than contacts.
LASIK often causes bad night vision with halos and glare.
LASIK will cause you to need reading glasses sooner.
LASIK causes dry eyes more than contact lenses.
LASIK cannot correct for astigmatism.
People with thin corneas or large pupils can’t safely correct their vision with LASIK or laser vision correction.
If you serve in the military or law enforcement, you can't have LASIK.
LASIK doctors are all the same so it is best to find the best "deal".
LASIK consults are expensive and take a long time to hear back about results.