Which 90's Black TV Sitcom Character Are You?
Which 90's Black TV Sitcom Character Are You?
In the 90s Family Mattered but no one overestimated the importance of Living Single. It was A Different World with a monarchal society ruled by the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Find out how your personality matches with these 90s black sitcom characters.
In the 90s Family Mattered but no one overestimated the importance of Living Single. It was A Different World with a monarchal society ruled by the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Find out how your personality matches with these 90s black sitcom characters.

How would your friends describe you?
What is your career goal?
What/ Who motivates you?
Where would you be at a party?
Which 90s fashion trend do you think should come back in style?
What was your high school stereotype?
What is your relationship status?
What was your favorite 90s sitcom?
What gender do you identify with?
What is your favorite past time?
Steve Urkel
Steve Urkel
Did I do that? Yes, you are Steve Urkel. You are fun, loving, and smarter than your average individual. Do not let others opinions of you shape how you view yourself.
Will Smith
Will Smith
You are the life of the party. When you walk into a room, the world stops. But don't let that give you a big head. There is much more to you on the inside than what you choose to show to the world.
Martin Lawrence
Martin Lawrence
What's up! You have a heart of gold and choose to show your love through your humor. Your charm and sharp wit keeps you a head above the rest.
Hillary Banks
Hillary Banks
You come off as superficial and a shopaholic but inside you are a natural, born leader ready to take over the world. Remember that all leaders must earn their followers through kindness.
Maxine Shaw
Maxine Shaw
You are the boss! You are very passionate about your career and past times but also can be very laid back and funny. You light up the scene whenever you are around.
You are the girl next door. You are very well-rounded and capable of succeeding at everything that you touch. Your A type personality may be overwhelming at times, but remember it is okay to take the passenger seat once in a while and just enjoy the ride.