How Strong Are Your Logical Reasoning Skills?

This quiz is one of the simplest ways to test your logical reasoning! Are you ready? Let's get started!

Samantha Jones
Created by Samantha Jones (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jul 15, 2015

Read carefully. Now, are you ready?

Which of the four figures belongs on the spot of the question mark?

Which of the four figures belongs on the spot of the question mark?

Which of the four figures belongs on the spot of the question mark?

Which of the four figures belongs on the spot of the question mark?

Which of the four figures belongs on the spot of the question mark?

Which of the four figures belongs on the spot of the question mark?

Which of the four figures belongs on the spot of the question mark?

Which of the four figures belongs on the spot of the question mark?

Which of the four figures belongs on the spot of the question mark?

Very Strong!

Very Strong!

Wow! Your logically reasoning skills are incredibly strong! You easily understood and solved each of the questions, making you more logical than the vast majority of people! You may have found this quiz very easy or maybe a bit challenging but without a doubt you took the time to read the instructions carefully, understood the concept and solved each question with cool, calm and collected logic. You're grounded, responsible, driven and have remarkable logic skills. You take time analyzing situations before making decisions and you always follow your head over your heart. You notice detail and you respond best when dealing with real facts. You're a natural problem solver and have the ability to grasp difficult concepts. You have clearly earned your bragging rights here! Congratulations!

You Use Intuitive Reasoning!

You Use Intuitive Reasoning!

You use intuitive reasoning! When determining which figure was missing, you trusted your gut and not your mind. You may have rushed through the quiz and need to try one more time or you may have simply chosen the figure that just felt right. Either way you're an emotional thinker with a strong intuition. You trust your heart over your mind and you rely on emotions to guide in decision making. Your intuitive reasoning is much stronger than your logical reasoning, making you a warm, generous and empathetic person with a killer sense of humor. You have a big heart and it never fails to lead you in the right direction, but for specific facts and patterns, work on strengthening your logical reasoning skills!

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