What Actually Happens In Your Brain When You Fall In Love?
What Actually Happens In Your Brain When You Fall In Love?
Based on science.
Based on science.

Everyone has one great love in life.
I feel an immediate physical reaction when I see someone I'm falling in love with.
It's impossible to fall in love with someone you have nothing in common with.
What does a perfect date involve?
What do you focus on in a person you're in love with?
Where's the best place to "get it on" with a new lover?
What's your initial emotional reaction when you realize you're falling for someone?
I tend to idolize new romantic partners.
Fight Or Flight Instinct
Fight Or Flight Instinct
When you find the love of your life, your brain enters fight or flight mode. This is precisely because you're an intelligent, yet skeptical and somewhat cynical type of person. You tend to see the romantic glass as always half empty rather than half full. When you find the love of your life your brain panics, partly because you don't really trust your emotions and their hidden motives.. True love evokes feelings of fear in you and you naturally have an internal desire to either flee or stay and take things head on and fight. Once you take a deep breath and realize that you don't have to flee or fight, the pieces will fall into place and true love will transform your fears!
Wedding Bells
Wedding Bells
When you find the love of your life, wedding bells ring! You immediately and instinctively realize that you've found your one true love and your mind immediately starts planning for the future. You envision exactly what your life will look like with them and exactly what you need to do to make sure it all comes true! You're a planner at heart with a strong vision of the kind of life you want with your romantic partner. You're secure in yourself, confident and strong, and you have a deep and enduring faith in love. Why would you take things slow when you know that you've found your true love and it's ultimately up to you to build the future? Always trust your instinct and let those wedding bells ring!
Sexual Awakening
Sexual Awakening
When you find the love of your life you undergo a dramatic and tantilizing sexual awakening! You connect with your love on profound levels of physical intimacy that blows your mind! You're a passionate person (to say the least!) who doesn't do anything halfheartedly. When you love, you love with a fierce passion that engulfs your entire life. This passion translates itself into the bedroom and ignites an incredible sex life that few could even possibly imagine!
Dopamine Explosion
Dopamine Explosion
When you find the love of your life your brain has a dopamine explosion! It's like doing hard drugs or finishing a long, intense workout. When you connect with the love of your life, your brain is flooded with chemicals that make you incredibly optimistic, sentimental, relaxed and loving. It's like being on a cloud! Finding your true love gives you a high that completely transforms how you see the world! This dopamine explosion changes you to your core and gives you a whole new lease on life!