Which Underworld God Are You?

Did you think that Hades was the only Underworld god? Think again! Find out which one you are!

Samantha Martin
Created by Samantha Martin(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 25, 2015

What would you like to be in control of?

Are you quiet or loud?

What would be your spirit animal?

What kind of music do you listen to?

How do you feel about the dark?

What do you like to do?

Is silence okay?

Be honest, do you consider yourself smart?

Have you ever been so scared you couldn't do anything?

Do you like to be warm or cold?



You are Charon, the ferryman who carried the dead across the River Styx top the gates of Hades! You enjoy helping others and like to spend time with friends, but you also need your alone time.



You are Hades, the god of riches and the dead! You like to be alone most of the time, but you don't mind people too much. You aren't exactly the most friendly and understanding person out there, but not everyone can be.



You are Hecate (Goddess of Three Faces), goddess of magic, witchcraft and magic! You are loyal to your friends and love to be around others.



You are Persephone, goddess of spring and queen of the Underworld! You can never wait for warm weather and for the sun to shine. You care a lot for your friends, but are the most loyal to your family.



You are Thanatos, god of non-violent death! You love your friends, but you do have to let them go sometimes. When you do, though, you do it as gently and as least painfully as possible.



You are the greek god Hypnos, god of sleep! Don't be disappointed, You may be the god of sleep, but you don't sleep all day. You don't put others to sleep, either. When people need your help, you try to do your best to help them.



You are Nyx, goddess of the night! You like being in the dark and enjoy the cold, but you aren't cold-hearted. You like to help people, but you like to be alone, since you are your own person and love the sounds and sights of the night!

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