What Disney Dad Are You?
What Disney Dad Are You?
Who doesn't like Disney, seriously. You can't help but watch them again and again. Now, find out which father is more like you.
Who doesn't like Disney, seriously. You can't help but watch them again and again. Now, find out which father is more like you.
Which do you like better?
Which food category do you prefer?
What scares you out of these pictures?
How many kids do you wish to have?
Favorite Season?
What word describes you the most?
Pick an activity.
What's your favorite color?
Pick a future home.
How over- protective are you?
You are laid-back, and you are the 'Fun Parent' . That doesn't mean that you don't care, you will help others in danger, and would do anything to help someone. You are also a very cautious person, and love your crew. Wise should be your middle name, you have an older mind than anyone will ever know. Dude! (Nemo)
Chief Powhatan
Chief Powhatan
You can be judgmental at points and strict of protection, but you just want to protect the ones you love. Family, friends, your tribe, you want the best for them.. Foreigners are suspicious to you, what do you expect? You don't know! Deep inside, you are scared, but a true leader. (Pocahontas)
You are a very fun dad! You are KING! Everyone loves you and wants to be with you, they trust you because you're a very loyal person. You try to be the best. Your weakness is that you can't help but love, be careful who you trust, you don't know how far they are from hurting the people you love, or even you. (Lion King)
You will do anything for your little one. Cooking is a thing that you love to do, one day you will open your own restaurant or your daughter/ son will stand in your footsteps and open it for you. You left an impression that made your kids think, " Wow, I love him." (Princess and the Frog)
King Triton
King Triton
You are protective and are very careful with your precious possessions. You want to know what's going on and don't want people to keep secrets from you. You are loving, and truly do care, but sometimes you focus on more of your goal than what's around you. You're heroic. (The Little Mermaid)