Which Crimson Peak Character Are You?
Which Crimson Peak Character Are You?
With Guillermo del Toro's new horror movie scaring up theaters, find out which one of the film's dark characters reflects you best!
With Guillermo del Toro's new horror movie scaring up theaters, find out which one of the film's dark characters reflects you best!

Worst fear?
Spirit animal to help you survive in a haunted house?
Current relationship status?
People describe you as...
Which job would you be best at?
Would you live in a spooky mansion?
Which weakness of yours would most likely result in you becoming a ghost yourself?
Favorite comfort food to ward off evil spirits?
Favorite musician(s) to listen to while trying to ignore ghosts howling?
Favorite Guillermo del Toro film?
Edith Cushing
Edith Cushing
You are a kind and sweet person, always striving to find the good in people, even if they may be a bit unfriendly at first. However, there is such a thing as being TOO trusting, and you don't want to end up giving the evil ones a vantage point to strike from. Going forward, keep up the positive attitude, but if someone brings you tea that tastes bitter and makes you feel ill, be sure to consider the possibility it could be poison! (Or maybe, it's just rather dull tea).
Lucille Sharp
Lucille Sharp
When it comes to personality, you have the tendency to be a bit cold. Still, no one can say you're not passionate about pursuing your goals, and you are skilled at forming an organized, strategic approach for your objectives. Just remember that karma is definitely real, so if you have too much of an evil mindset, it might come back to HAUNT you!
Thomas Sharpe
Thomas Sharpe
On the surface, you are a polished gentleman (or sophisticated lady) who is able to charm your romantic targets with ease. At the same time, your moral compass might be slightly askew, and you may be conflicted whether to choose the righteous path or the more evil one. Ultimately, the good in you will probably win out -- whenever you struggle with decisions, just treat others how you would like to be treated!
Dr. Alan McMichael
Dr. Alan McMichael
You are both intelligent and civilized, and definitely someone others should seek to emulate. However, you have at least one major flaw: being a bit too trusting. Your bravery knows no bounds and you are willing to confront villains to save someone in distress... but please don't tell the villains you know their evil plan if one of them has a (metaphorical) knife behind his or her back!
Carter Kushing
Carter Kushing
You a stern individual whom is strictly no-nonsense. If some aristocratic type arrives on your turf and tries to impress everyone with flowery language, you have no problem shutting him or her down. Just be careful about the wrath you may incur from others, as if you are too dismissive of them, they might seek vengeance upon you... possibly by pranking you and making you fall on your behind!
The Ghost of Edith's Mother
The Ghost of Edith's Mother
You may not be fully present in the lives of your friends and family, but when you make an appearance, it is always impactful! Some may consider you scary, as you have an intimidating appearance that may give them reason to fear you. However, you only want to help them, so it's only right for people to hear you out so you can indirectly save the day.