Yin Or Yang?
Yin Or Yang?
Are you more in touch with the dark side or the light?
Are you more in touch with the dark side or the light?

What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite season?
When are you at your best?
Which one's the prettiest?
What kind of music do you listen to?
Which scenery do you prefer?
Heaven or Hell? (Even if you don't believe in them)
Pick one
You are more in touch with your dark side. You may not be very positive and don't really care about that many people, you probably have very few friends or none at all.
You're more in touch with the light. You are very social and if not you are just a shy person that's all. You have a very optimistic and positive attitude towards situations.
You are balanced between both the darkness and the light. You have quite a bunch of friends and you think logically.