Sean Spicer Has Apologized For His Hitler Comments
Sean Spicer Has Apologized For His Hitler Comments
Is an apology enough?
Is an apology enough?
During a press conference on Tuesday, Sean Spicer made mistake after mistake after horrifying mistake while trying to compare the Assad regime's attack on the city of Idlib, which dropped sarin gas onto the sleeping citizens, killing at least 80 people, to the actions of Hitler in WWII. First he made the mistake of saying that Hitler did not use chemical weapons.
We didn't even use chemical weapons in World War II. You had ... someone as despicable as Hitler, who didn't even sink to using chemical weapons.
Sean Spicer
ABC News, April 11, 2017
It is a well-known fact that Hitler used gas chambers during World War II as just one horrifying method for killing over 6 million Jews and other persecuted minorities. But Spicer went on to make an attempt at clarification when asked.
I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no -- he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.
Sean Spicer
ABC News, April 11, 2017
If by that you mean that Hitler was using gas to systematically murder millions of people instead of to kill people somewhat more randomly, then we suppose Spicer is correct in that these are two different acts. But then he tried to clarify further.
[Hitler] brought them into the Holocaust center... But I'm saying that in the way that Assad used them, where he went in towns, dropped them down to innocent -- into the middle of towns -- I appreciate the clarification. That was not the intent.
Sean Spicer
ABC News, April 11, 2017
Many are confused by Spicer's reference to concentration camps as "Holocaust Centers" and have taken issue with Spicer's placing "innocent" people in opposition to the millions of people Hitler persecuted, then murdered. Spicer tried to apologize in three separate statements before finally issuing an actual apology:
twitter embed goes here!
twitter embed goes here!
twitter embed goes here!
And at long last, Spicer said:
... I mistakenly used an inappropriate and insensitive comment about the Holocaust and there is no comparison. For that, I apologize. It was a mistake to do that.
Sean Spicer
ABC News, April 11, 2017
But now, what we'd like to know is...
Do you think Spicer's apology is sufficient?
Do you think Spicer's apology is sufficient?