Which Malfoy are you?
Which Malfoy are you?
Narcissa, maybe Lucius, how about Draco? Find out here!
Narcissa, maybe Lucius, how about Draco? Find out here!

Whats your favourite colour?
Are you a guy or girl?
Pick one...
Which quote can you most relate to?
Pick a flower...
Which are you most attracted to?
Dog or cat?
Harry or Ron?
Which one?
Lastly, would you be a Death Eater?
Narcissa Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
You care for those you love and aren't really evil or mean, you just want the best for them.
Lucius Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
You follow the same rules you did when you were younger. You don't like change unless youre the one making it. You strongly feel you should be in charge and you can be very strict.
Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
You can be mean when you want, but deep down you were just taught to be that way. You are popular but not for the right reasons. You have a sweet and caring soul deep down that you are just afraid to let show.