Which pet should you bring to Hogwarts?

Which pet would you bring to Hogwarts based on the questions you pick?

Ginny Malfoy
Created by Ginny Malfoy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

How many pets do you already have?

Which of these things grosses you out the least?

Why do you want a pet?

Pick a place at Hogwarts...

Pick a Class...

Who would you most likely hang out with?

Choose a Magical Object...

Who was actually the worst Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor?

If you have a pet, how close are you?

What would be your preferred super power?

What type of pet would you want?

What is your favorite color out of the one's that are listed below?

What time do you wake up in the morning?

What's your favorite time of year?

How would you describe yourself?

What are you allergic to?



You can be sneaky and often avoid tricky situations.



You can be judged by your looks when you're a good person and very trustful.



You are a very caring and loyal person which is why an owl would be the perfect pet for you.



You are sly and cunning but can also be loyal which is why a rat would be the perfect pet for you.

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