Design Your Own Broadway Show, And We'll Tell You Which Tony Award-Winning Musical You Should Star In!
Design Your Own Broadway Show, And We'll Tell You Which Tony Award-Winning Musical You Should Star In!
Put together the Broadway blowout of your dreams, and find out which show you truly belong in! There's a place for everyone on these stages!
Put together the Broadway blowout of your dreams, and find out which show you truly belong in! There's a place for everyone on these stages!

You're truly creative and have a love for the fantastic! You have a passion for everything from steampunk technology to fairy tale characters. You'll feel right at home in Wicked, whether you're playing Glinda (the ga is silent) or Elphaba!
You're a revolutionary with a fire in your heart and a passion for what you truly believe in. You'll fit right in with the cast of Hamilton, fighting for equality and freedom. Definitely don't throw away your shot on this play.
You're ready to go with the flow and just see where life takes you. You don't have time for the man to get you down. You're just taking the world on day by day with your friends. You'll fit right in with the cast of RENT!
Phantom of the Opera
Phantom of the Opera
You have a flair for drama and romance, so it's no surprise that the Phantom of the Opera is the perfect show for you. From grand costumes to sweeping music and passionate love, you'll fit right in with the Phantom!
Les Miserables
Les Miserables
You have a deep passion and compassion for your fellow man and want to participate in a show that explores the depths of human suffering and the heights of hope. You'll feel right at home in the sweeping scope of Les Miserables!
A child at heart, you love stories that find the best in the darkest places and dare to dream of a brighter tomorrow. Whether you're playing a comedic villain or a redheaded orphan, you'll fit right in in the cast of Annie!