Only Real Book Lovers Remember These Small Details From These Iconic Books
Only Real Book Lovers Remember These Small Details From These Iconic Books
Science says it's only 1%! Are you part of them?
Science says it's only 1%! Are you part of them?

You did it! You're in the 1%!
You did it! You're in the 1%!
Brilliant! That was incredible! You are clearly an avid reader with a vivid imagination! You really experience the book that you read at any given time. You remember every small detail from the books you read mainly because you become so engrossed in them, it's as if you've lived the whole story yourself!
You are in the 99%
You are in the 99%
Just like the vast majority of the population, you couldn't quite remember every last detail of every single book that you've ever read. Some of the questions may have even made you scratch your head and wonder if you've ever read some of these books at all. Perhaps this is a good chance to give your old classics a look over ;)