What Player Would You Be In Quidditch?
What Player Would You Be In Quidditch?
Ever want to know what you'd be best at in Quidditch? Well look no further! The quiz that you (might...) have been waiting for is here!!!!
(Let me know if you liked the quiz, and let me know if I should do more)
Ever want to know what you'd be best at in Quidditch? Well look no further! The quiz that you (might...) have been waiting for is here!!!!
(Let me know if you liked the quiz, and let me know if I should do more)

Are you adventurous, or cautious?
How do you feel about heights?
What role would you like to play?
(doesn't guarantee you'll get what you choose)
Are you for or against semi-violent games? (as in when a Beater chases after the other team's players)
How would you describe yourself?
Your friend is being picked on for no reason. What do you do?
The Chasers' job is mainly to keep possession of the quaffle (the ball), but also to try and score. Confuse your opponents by throwing the ball over their heads back and forth between your team
The Beaters' job is to protect the rest of their players by physically assaulting other members of the team. It's all up to you and your quick flying skills to keep your team safe and to try and shove the other team out of the way of your own! Good luck and fair flying my friend!
The Seeker's job is to catch the golden snitch, thus ending the game and winning 150 points for their team in one moment of late glory. The game cannot end until the snitch is caught, which causes some problems if it decides to remain uncaught, some games in the past have lasted for months with little break times between each day.
Good luck to you and quick flying for you!
There is one Keeper per team, and it is their job to guard the three goal posts attempting to stop the other team's Chasers from scoring.
Lucky you!!! You're the special player that keeps the other team from scoring, you could save your team from losing and send it to victory!
Person on the ground
Person on the ground
You have tried to play in the game, but either you gave up or you were knocked to the ground and decided to stay there. Either way, it's more fun to watch than to play, less that you have to do and more time to see what the other team is made of