QUIZ: Which DEXTER Character Are You?
QUIZ: Which DEXTER Character Are You?
It’s been 10 years since Dexter premiered, but the show's characters have made a lasting impact. In a world of serial killers, sex-crazed forensics specialists and foul-mouthed cops, which one are you most like?
It’s been 10 years since Dexter premiered, but the show's characters have made a lasting impact. In a world of serial killers, sex-crazed forensics specialists and foul-mouthed cops, which one are you most like?

A day at the beach turns ugly when a jerk stomps all over your kid's sandcastle. Do you:
You stop by your favorite donut shop but there's no one behind the counter to help you. Do you:
You're visiting your aunt's grave and you notice the creepy gravedigger watching you. Do you:
You pass a playground and see a kid being bullied. Do you:
You're hiking through the swamp and an alligator corners you. Do you:
You're paddle boarding and spot a severed hand in the water. Do you:
You want to take a date somewhere unexpected. You choose:
Your neighbor's missing and you get brought into the local precinct for questioning. Do you:
A typical Saturday would find you:
Dexter Morgan
Dexter Morgan
You want to be normal, but a darkness haunts your soul. Try as you might, you can't shake it. But you're crafty and resilient, so in all likelihood you'll live to kill another day.
Dexter fans: VOTE NOW for the top episodes of all time: http://www.sho.com/dexter10
Your favorites will air in a special #Dexter10 marathon on October 1.
Debra Morgan
Debra Morgan
You're devoted to your family, and great at your job. But despite your toughness, you often find yourself in jeopardy. Good thing you've got at least one badass watching your back.
Dexter fans: VOTE NOW for the top episodes of all time: http://www.sho.com/dexter10
Your favorites will air in a special #Dexter10 marathon on October 1.
You're calm and professional, and not above cheating to get ahead. But you're ruthless ambition makes you take unnecessary risks.
Dexter fans: VOTE NOW for the top episodes of all time: http://www.sho.com/dexter10
Your favorites will air in a special #Dexter10 marathon on October 1.
Who cares about work? Your good looks and brooding nature are catnip to the opposite sex. If only you could find happiness...
Dexter fans: VOTE NOW for the top episodes of all time: http://www.sho.com/dexter10
Your favorites will air in a special #Dexter10 marathon on October 1.
You're loyal, trustworthy and devoted to your family. A dedicated professional, you'll always show up on time and ready to work. But the daily grind is starting to wear on you.
Dexter fans: VOTE NOW for the top episodes of all time: http://www.sho.com/dexter10
Your favorites will air in a special #Dexter10 marathon on October 1.
You're a geeky goofball who doesn't take much seriously. You coast at work, party on the weekends, and have a shocking amount of sex.
Dexter fans: VOTE NOW for the top episodes of all time: http://www.sho.com/dexter10
Your favorites will air in a special #Dexter10 marathon on October 1.
Harry Morgan
Harry Morgan
You want to help your kids, but you've had some setbacks. You basically gave up on life a long time ago.
Dexter fans: VOTE NOW for the top episodes of all time: http://www.sho.com/dexter10
Your favorites will air in a special #Dexter10 marathon on October 1.
You're super-dangerous and inherently evil. You think you're fooling everybody, but think again. I'd watch your back if I were you.
Dexter fans: VOTE NOW for the top episodes of all time: http://www.sho.com/dexter10
Your favorites will air in a special #Dexter10 marathon on October 1.