Which Captain Planet Planeteer are You?
Which Captain Planet Planeteer are You?
While Captain Planet is out being a hero and taking pollution down to zero, take this quiz to find out which Planeteer most resembles you!
While Captain Planet is out being a hero and taking pollution down to zero, take this quiz to find out which Planeteer most resembles you!

Do you work in a medical or scientific field?
If you see an animal in need, what would you do?
Do you like to garden?
Are you a pyro (love to play with fire)?
Have you donated to any charities in the last year?
Do you enjoy swimming in the ocean?
What's your highest form of education?
Are you organized or messy?
Would you go skydiving?
What kind of movie do you prefer?
Kwame - Power of Earth!
Kwame - Power of Earth!
Kwame possesses the Power of Earth. Therefore, you're a natural born leader and the voice of reason. You're a good moderator and cool under pressure. You're grounded, smart, and rooted in your beliefs. You're strong, dedicated, and know what you want. Always the wise and rational one, you weigh the consequences before taking any risks. But when you do, you go for it wholeheartedly.
Gi - Power of Water!
Gi - Power of Water!
Gi possesses the Power of Water. Therefore, you're compassionate and energetic. You're noble and fight passionately for your beliefs. Sometimes you let your emotions get the best of you. But that's only because you care a lot. You're courageous and quick. You always fight for what's right. You're strong, protective and diplomatic. Always the honest one, you have a knack for truth and transparency.
Wheeler -Power of Fire!
Wheeler -Power of Fire!
Wheeler possesses the Power of Fire. Therefore, you're friendly, savvy, and outgoing. You make friends easily and enjoy the company of your loved ones. You're dynamic, vibrant, and energetic. You're always the life of the party. You can be Impulsive at times, but you're heart is always in the right place. You're a dreamer and a romantic. You love life and live it to the fullest.
Linka - Power of Wind!
Linka - Power of Wind!
Linka possesses the Power of Wind. Therefore, you're smart, detail-oriented, and quick on your feet. You're a master of strategy, logic, and innovation. You're intelligent and calculated. You'll do anything to achieve your goals and dreams. You take big risks but only after you've weighed all the consequences. You're always cool, calm, and confident. You never let anyone stand in your way.
Ma-Ti - Power of Heart!
Ma-Ti - Power of Heart!
Ma-Ti possesses the Power of Heart. Therefore, you're caring, compassionate, and sympathetic to everyone. You're accepting of all creatures, no matter their race, gender, or stripe. You're friendly, kind, and a good listener. People are drawn to your spiritual energy and gentleness. You're a caretaker, a lover, and always put the needs of others before your own.