Which SAO Character Are You?
Which SAO Character Are You?
SAO is an anime where several thousands of people get stuck in a game and now you are about to find out which one of the characters you are, enjoy! <3
SAO is an anime where several thousands of people get stuck in a game and now you are about to find out which one of the characters you are, enjoy! <3

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You're a solo player. You don't really go well with other people but you're still able to make it on your own! Even though you're solo you still care about other people. In the game you're an amazing swordsman and you're beating the bosses like a boss! ;D
You're beautiful, friendly, with your blade in your hand you're really fast. You are really good at cooking. You're pretty serious and you really care for your family and you never leave a friend behind! You're somewhat proud. You can't handle someone dying in front of you but you're still moving forward!
You lack a bit of fear and your personality is still pretty childish. You love your family and smile when other people smile! Even in the worst situations you smile. You will always keep your friends close and your family even closer.
You're one of the friendliest people in the series and sets the mood when you're around. You never holds grudges against others and is always ready to lend a helping hand. You care deeply for your friends and always wants to be by their side fighting alongside them when they are in danger. You get angry when people get into situations that can get them killed since you want to protect as many people as you can.
You are a very friendly person that can get along with just about everyone you meet. You have a bad temper and you can get somewhat violent. You're very teasing and self confident.
You are very bright, cheerful, and supportive of your friends. You like animals and if you have a pet you will never let it go! You are also easily embarrassed and flustered, especially when it comes to a romance scenario.