How well do you know Melanie Martinez?
How well do you know Melanie Martinez?
Test your knowledge and see if you are a true fan
Test your knowledge and see if you are a true fan

When was Melanie born?
What does Melanie like to collect?
What are her fans called?
Where was Melanie first noticed?
What is the name of her album?
In an interview she once said that she can fit a certain candy in her gap. What was the candy?
What colors were her hair the first time she bleached it?
Who was Melanie's first Celebrity Crush?
What are Melanie's favorite tattoos?
What is one thing Melanie does on stage?
What music video is this picture from?
Melanie is also a what?
Is it true that Melanie cries daily?
Was Melanie's character 'Crybaby' based on herself?
What was 'Pity Party' based off?
What is Melanie's full name?
Where was Melanie born?
What song was hardest for Melanie to write?
"Sweet, boy, straight out of the movie screen
Candy hearts and chocolate dreams
I, met, my prince upon a popcorn bowl
He held my heart and let it go
Ice cream, upon a summer's day"
What video is this from?
Do you like Melanie Martinez?