Can You Tell Russian Fact From Fiction?

Russia is weird and wonderful, but can you separate the lies from the truth in this quiz?

PA Media
Created by PA Media (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 5, 2016
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Rasputin's severed penis is in a jar in a museum in St. Petersburg.

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Former President Boris Yeltsin was reportedly found drunk, in his underwear, in central Washington DC, trying to order a pizza and hail a cab.

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The State Hermitage museum - which houses one of the world's finest art collections - is also home to 74 cats.

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A restaurant in Moscow only employs identical twins to wait tables and serve drinks.

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Former leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, once recorded a CD of romantic ballads.

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The Imperial Russian Navy had a round warship built.

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In winter, the Government sometimes imposes a ban on people walking outside because of the threat from icicles.

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Russia has 5 timezones - more than any other country.

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There are 20 million more women in Russia than men.

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The Russian Olympic team turned up 12 days too late to the London games because they were using the Julian calendar.

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Current President Vladimir Putin released an abs workout DVD.

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Russian literature could only be sold in government-owned bookshops until 1999.

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