Which Supernatural character is your alter ego?

Find your Supernatural alter ego

Created by Snovolovac (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 26, 2016

Eye color:

Favorite creature:

The animal you associate with:

Pick a Viniq vodka cocktail:

Pick a decade:

Pick a non SPN fandom:

Pick an ability:

Pick a shoe type:

Pick a vehicle:

Pick a weapon:

Pick a band:

Pick a song:

Pick a movie genre:

Pick a movie line:

Pick a uniform:

Sam Winchester

Sam Winchester

Sam Winchester is your alter ego! You can be a total cutie pie when you want it, but on the other end, you become a fierce bad ass with a 'F******'' in between your name and last name. You're also kind of like a puppy.

John Winchester

John Winchester

John Winchester is your alter ego! Though you may seem cold on the exterior, you'd still do everything you think is best to make sure your loved ones are safe. You keep your emotions to yourself and are a born leader. Fighter but stubborn, but inside you're a good person.

Dean Winchester

Dean Winchester

Dean Winchester is your alter ego! You like walks on the beach and frisky love partners. You'd do ANYTHING for your loved ones and you're very protective of your own. You're a born leader, but sometimes self esteem issues might block you from seeing how special you are.



Castiel is your alter ego! You're a loyal friend who'd defy everything and everyone for what and who you believe in. You've made some mistakes or perhaps you will, but your heart was always in the right place. Your low self esteem is a problem, but know that you are a star that shines brightly and strong.

Garth Fitzgerald IV

Garth Fitzgerald IV

Garth Fitzgerald IV is your alter ego! You're a happy-go-lucky kind of person that always cheers other people up! You're kind which can often make people around you forget how bad ass you actually are. You make friends easily and anyone who doesn't like you is an obvious stinky business.



Crowley is your alter ego! You like to play tough and untouchable, but inside you're filled with emotions and eagerness to be accepted. You're sassy and witty, yet a bad ass in your own unique and awesome way!



Impala is your alter ego! You're the epitome of bad assness and awesomness. You'll be like that even in your old age and you are very loyal to your family. Also very protective over the ones you love, no matter how much they hurt you. 'Nuff said.

Bobby Singer

Bobby Singer

Bobby is your alter ego! You're kinda grumpy, kinda grouchy, but deep down you're actually a huggy bear with a huge heart! You're smart but don't brag about it, always ready to help even if it costs you and would do almost anything for those you care about.

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