What's Your Spiritual Gift?
What's Your Spiritual Gift?
No matter who you are and where you come from, everyone has a spiritual gift they can use to serve the Lord. I hope that this quiz will nudge you in the right direction!
No matter who you are and where you come from, everyone has a spiritual gift they can use to serve the Lord. I hope that this quiz will nudge you in the right direction!

What is your role in a group project?
Is homework the first thing you do when you get home?
How often do you read the Bible?
You see a stranger sitting alone on the bus, who seems like they're sad. What do you do?
How busy is your schedule?
Do you often pray for others?
Would you be comfortable going to a homeless shelter and feeding them?
How good are you at telling people about Jesus?
Do people understand you when you talk to them about Jesus?
How good are you at motivating others?
You got administration! That means that your special gift is organizing and getting things done. Administration works well with leadership qualities because leadership inspires people to go, and administration figures out how to get there.
You got Evangelism! While every Christian is called to evangelize, evangelists have an extra measure of faith and courage so they can go out and spread the Good News clearly and powerfully.
You have a strong conviction to go out and preach to everyone. Don't let the fear of rejection hold you back!
You got Faith! Faith is the belief or assurance in things that are not completely clear or obvious, and that's a great thing to have! The gift of faith is usually accompanied by great acts of faith. Faith is needed to keep the church alive, and it's the gift of faith that spreads around the life-giving confidence.
Yay! Giving! Giving means to "impart sincerely, generously, without pretense or hypocrisy." This gift is very important, since everything the church does relies on giving. Mission trips, paying for the pastors, and caring for people all require the gift of giving. Give gladly, because the Father in Heaven will give you more blessings than you can count.
You got knowledge! Knowledge is pretty much book smarts. You know the Scriptures and what they mean. This gift also helps to communicate Scripture effectively to other believers. You can retain the truth an see how the gospel connects to every situation and circumstance.
Definetley the leader type. The gift of leadership helps to take care of others, inspire them, and lead them. Closly linked with administration, but the difference between them is that administration is more focused on reaching a goal and organization while leadership is more about caring and focuses on relationships.
Leadership is a gift found in pastors and ministers.
You have mercy! Mercy is the gift of compassion and patience towards those who are suffering or afflicted. You have great empathy and for others and are right alongside them in their suffering. You can be the hands and feet of God to those who are afflicted.
You got teaching! While teaching is a great gift to have, it comes with a big responsibility. James said that teachers "are judged with greater strictness." Teachers have the task of effectively communicating what the Bible says and what it means. It's a hard job, but it is very important.
But it's a fun job, really. You get to teach people and help them out with their walk with Jesus! What can be better than that.