Which Song Triplet Are You?

Although they are still at such a young age, it's no secret that they all share very different personalities. Which one do you think you identify with the most? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by Soompi (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Which one do you fear the most?

If you could pick one dessert to live off for the rest of your life, it would be...?

Which would be your ideal vacation spot?

What would be your role in an idol group?

Pick your favorite Disney classic.

Your favorite hit song of 2015 was..?

Which accessory can you not go without?

Pick your favorite brand of running shoes.

If you could participate on a variety show, it would be...?

Which superpower do you wish you had?



You are Daehan! Representing the role of the eldest, you are usually the one who can be labeled as responsible, independent, and organized. You are always caring for and bringing smiles to those around you.



You are Minguk, the stubborn but hilariously clever entertainer. You typically know exactly what you want and are good at balancing work and fun. You may often times demonstrate greed and jealousy, but it is with good intentions, as you take the love you receive and return it tenfold..



You are Manse, free-spirited and wild at heart. You are full of genuine kindness and the ability to make others laugh until their sides hurt. You also have some hilarious tricks up your sleeve just like the youngest Song triplet!

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On Nov 18, 2021