How Well Do You Know Tim Riggins From Friday Night Lights?
How Well Do You Know Tim Riggins From Friday Night Lights?
How well do you know Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights?
How well do you know Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights?

What number does he wear for the Dillon Panthers?
When Tyra breaks up with him, what does he instantly do?
What's his pre-game routine?
How do the team react when they find out he has been sleeping with Lyla?
What college did he briefly attend?
What book does he closely identify with?
What favour does Tyra ask him that doesn't involve " sex, or make up sex, or any kind of sex"?
Why does he ask for quiet?
When Smash gets hit, what does Riggins do?
What's the name of Tim's dad?
“That’s not racism man, I just don’t like him. That dude could be ...... and I still won’t like him.”
What's the name of the sisters that Tim had a threesome with?
What's Billy hogging?
What's Tim's favourite bar?
What day does Riggins always skip school on?
What was the name of the neighbour Tim dated?
What would Riggins do?