Fifteen Feels Of A Catholic Feminist
Fifteen Feels Of A Catholic Feminist
This world is one that seems to be governed by labels. What does it feel like to be part of two groups that a lot of people think are mutually exclusive? Well, here are fifteen feelings that every Catholic Feminist knows only too well.
This world is one that seems to be governed by labels. What does it feel like to be part of two groups that a lot of people think are mutually exclusive? Well, here are fifteen feelings that every Catholic Feminist knows only too well.
But then you run across something great and woman-affirming from a saint!
"Thank you, every woman, for the simple fact of being a woman! Through the insight which is so much a part of your womanhood you enrich the world's understanding and help to make human relations more honest and authentic." -St. John Paul II's Letter to Women (1995)
When you're reading your Bible and realize that Jesus was a Feminist!
Christ routinely uplifted women and put them in their proper place as equal helpmates to men. It might have totally freaked out the people of His time, but hey, we wouldn't have had cool saints like Mary Magdalene or even Our Lady herself if He hadn't loved women for who they are.
When you totally rock being pro-life, because you care about the needs of babies *and* their mommies!
Hey, the original Feminists were pro-life, because they knew that telling women that they could only be successful if they denied their God-given gift of children was just another form of oppression.