Fifteen Feels Of A Catholic Feminist

This world is one that seems to be governed by labels. What does it feel like to be part of two groups that a lot of people think are mutually exclusive? Well, here are fifteen feelings that every Catholic Feminist knows only too well.

Tatiana Federoff
Created by Tatiana Federoff(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 30, 2015

When people tell you that you can't be both Catholic and a Feminist.

The dictionary definition of Feminism is just "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men." Please show me where the catechism says that's wrong.


When they assume that you support female priests

Just because I think I'm equal to a man doesn't mean I want to do the job Christ intended him for!


....Or that you're anti-tradition in general.

I, personally, wear mantillas and skirts to Mass and have a thing for Ad Orientem. Feminist does not equal modernist.


When you hear that Catholic women need to forget about going to college because our duty is raising babies, not learning about the world.

How am I supposed to homeschool all these children if I barely graduated high school myself???


When a saint you love has said something awful about women

Misbegotten men? Great, St. Thomas Aquinas. Oh, we're the lesser sex and should never venture outside the house? Love you too, St. Philip Neri...


... And when those sentiments are echoed by modern Catholics.

For some reason, people do this more on the internet than anywhere else. Catholic Meninists, y'all. They be cray.


But then you run across something great and woman-affirming from a saint!

"Thank you, every woman, for the simple fact of being a woman! Through the insight which is so much a part of your womanhood you enrich the world's understanding and help to make human relations more honest and authentic." -St. John Paul II's Letter to Women (1995)


When you're reading your Bible and realize that Jesus was a Feminist!

Christ routinely uplifted women and put them in their proper place as equal helpmates to men. It might have totally freaked out the people of His time, but hey, we wouldn't have had cool saints like Mary Magdalene or even Our Lady herself if He hadn't loved women for who they are.


And if you keep reading that same Bible and flip back a few chapters, and you find MORE epic women and you feel so ~inspired~

Woo, go Judith, Esther, Rahab, Abigail, Deborah, Ruth, and the tons of other women who followed God and did great things! Maybe we can do great things, too!


When you totally rock being pro-life, because you care about the needs of babies *and* their mommies!

Hey, the original Feminists were pro-life, because they knew that telling women that they could only be successful if they denied their God-given gift of children was just another form of oppression.


When you see happy nuns!

Nothing more empowering to women than being able to live out the vocation God calls us to!


When you see happy moms!

Using their utterly unique female power of holding and creating new human beings? SO COOL. SO MUCH RESPECT.


When you see happy priests, brothers, monks, and dads!

Hey, all vocations are equally awesome, different as they may be!


When you realize that Feminism is a movement for everyone...

Are you a man? You can be a Feminist. A woman? Total Feminist material. Supporting equal dignity is something we can all get on board with!


Because you know that we're all equally made in the image of the same infinitely loving God!

Equal dignity means we deserve equal rights, pay, safety, and opportunities, y'all!

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