Which Liberty's Kids Character Are You?
Which Liberty's Kids Character Are You?
At last, you can now discover what part YOU played in the American Revolution! Or at least, the mostly fictional persona parts...
At last, you can now discover what part YOU played in the American Revolution! Or at least, the mostly fictional persona parts...

Which of these qualities do you appreciate most in a good book?
What do you put into consideration when choosing an outfit?
Which of these best describes your sense of humor?
Thoughts on friends?
What do you plan on doing on your next shopping trip?
It's one of those relaxing days! You want to...
How do you party?
How do you feel about spending time outdoors?
How honest are you?
How much crazy adventure can you handle?
So let's talk about food.
How would you describe your living space/decor, current or preferred?
Which of these is the most important part of your relationsips?
How are you at dealing with romance?
How are you when it comes to getting into/causing trouble?
You're Sarah!
You're Sarah!
You wear your heart on your sleeve whether it means being emotional or standing up for your morals. You're down-to-earth but believe your appearance presents you as who you are to the world and take pains to always be at your best. You are driven and inspired, and care deeply about the people you've grown close to. Sometimes life throws more at you than you thought you'd ever experience, but even if you don't know it, you're ready for anything!
You're James!
You're James!
Headstrong and self-reliant, you've got dreams and aspirations and you're willing to go to great and even reckless measures to achieve what you're reaching for. You think highly of your ambition, even when life reminds you you've got a lot to learn, and it's easier to move on with more wisdom because of the assurance of your friends, who support you even when you're wrong.
You're Henri!
You're Henri!
Everyone who can keep up with you knows just how great you really are! You're always running off to the next adventure, even mischief, and your friends are always grateful if you make it through the day unscathed, even if it's because they had to help you out of another scrape. You don't like being told what to do, but you're not too stubborn to learn, and you would take great personal risks for the people you care about most. Also you probably like to eat a lot.
You're Moses!
You're Moses!
The first thing people will learn about you is that you work hard and don't ask for handouts; anything good that has been given to you was definitely deserved. You're skilled and intelligent and self-reliant, but what people appreciate just as much is your insight to others' characters and sense of right and wrong. You're not loud or outspoken, but when the moment calls for action, you've got the backbone to step in and even people who disagree with you can respect you.
You're Ben Franklin!
You're Ben Franklin!
You have an interesting view on life and the world, and know you can use your outlook to make the world a better place, whether it's with your witty humor and riddles or wisdom and insight. People think of you as inventive and rescourceful, and because of it great responsibility has a way of finding its way to your hands (perhaps even other people's financial issues). Sometimes you have a lot on your plate, but you accept it as an honor because there's no way to measure what you value most.
You're John Adams!
You're John Adams!
You're a fighter. When you believe in something, it's got to happen. You expect a lot out of people, but perhaps even more out of yourself. You've got the ambition to go to great lengths over things you believe in strongly enough without putting to high a value on yourself. You have a tenancy to be outspoken, but you're good-hearted, and your friends appreciate your integrity.
You're George Washington!
You're George Washington!
If there's one person your friends can rely on to make the right choice, it's you. You always put others first and strive to give them the best you've got to offer. People may think of you as serious, but your friends know you like you're family and would do anything for you, because they know you'd do anything for them.
You're Lafayette!
You're Lafayette!
Passionate and positive, you connect with the forces of creativity and determination so much that it's what draws you to other people. You're not afraid to be spontaneous, taking great and unexpected leaps and bounds in life to see what kind of difference you can make. You don't just watch your own back; your friends' battles become your own, and your individuality endears you to everyone.