Ultimate Star Wars Quiz
Ultimate Star Wars Quiz
May the Force be with you!
May the Force be with you!

Which Star Destroyer spotted the Falcon on its way out of the asteroid field?
What is the fake movie title used by the producers of The Return of the Jedi to deceive fans and keep them away from the filming site? Hint: Answer is NOT Revenge of the Jedi.
Darth Vader was once named...?
Who made Anakin's Pod Racing Helmet?
This general was in charge of the Rebel base ...
How many forms of communication was C-3PO fluent in?
Boba's ship is named ...?
What does the Huttese word "shag" mean?
Who appeared to Luke in a vision on Hoth?
Which attack pattern did Luke tell Dak to use?
The Cloud City was located in which system?
What system was the Falcon in when it was dumped with the garbage?
What is the name of the river that turns into a waterfall in Theed?
Name Lando's copilot in the Death Star assault.
The Rebel base was located on which planet of the Hoth system?
Who sat next to Luke Skywalker in briefing scene before the Death Star battle in Star Wars?
What is the name of the Star Destroyer that captured Princess Leia in the opening of Star Wars?
How long is a Super-Class Star Destroyer?
What is the name of Darth Vader's personal flagship?
Admiral Ackbar is a...?
The Imperial shield generator was located on the moon of which planet?
What type of engines are on Anakin's Pod?
Who is the Vice Chair of the Galatic Senate?
In a scene filmed, but not released with Episode I initially, who does Anakin get in a fight with?
How many Padawans has Qui-Gon trained?
What are Jedi knights forbidden to do?
Which planet is Chewbacca from?
The sandpeople were also known by what other name?
How long has Yoda trained Jedi when Luke encountered him?
Who owned Anakin and Shmi before Watto?
What did Luke throw at the control panel in order to make the restraining door drop onto the head of the Rancor?
Who designed the costumes for Episode I?
In her attempt to save Alderaan, Leia said the Rebel base could be found on what planet?
What is the name of the Wookiee Senator from Kashyyyk?
What ship's components include horizontal boosters and alluvial dampers?
What was the budget for Episode I?
Where were the X-wings stationed for evacuation?
What is the name of Gardulla the Hutt's assistant?
What was the name of Leia's home planet?
Who wrote "Jedi Rocks" for the Return of the Jedi Special Edition?
Who was the casting director for Episode I?
Who replaced Jeremy Bulloch as Boba Fett in Return of the Jedi: Special Edition?
Obi-Wan's rank in the Clone Wars?
Who is the leader of the Rebel Alliance?
Which Pod Racer is a notoriously wealthy glimmik singer?
Who was the character wearing the Leia-like gold bikini in Jabba's Pod Race Box?
Who did Qui-Gon sell Anakin's Pod to?
Who dubbed the voice of Darth Maul?
Which officer did Vader kill because he brought the Starfleet our of lightspeed too close to the Hoth system?
How many platforms line the Senate Rotunda?
Ben lives "beyond the...?"
What is the Ewok chief's name?
What is the exact familial relationship of Owen Lars to Luke Skywalker?
What was Jabba's native language?
What was the name of the glowing ball that Amidala gave Boss Nass in Episode I?
The Emperor's name is?
Who instructed Obi-Wan before he became Qui-Gon's Padawan?
How many worlds does Palpatine represent in the Galactic Senate?
Code name for Hoth base
The Jedi Knights were the guardians of the Old Republic for how many generations?
What is the name of the Gungan army?
Who was originally considered for the role of Han Solo?
What character, in an early draft version of Star Wars, was a "huge, green-skinned guy with no nose and large gills"?
Time interval between Star Wars and Return of the Jedi.
Who did Vader promote to Admiral Ozzel's position?
According to the Episode I credits, who played Jabba the Hutt?
Who was the lone survivor among the original Sith?
What does the Jedi never use the Force for?
How many competitive Oscars did "Star Wars" win?
Which docking bay did Han Solo say the Millenium Falcon was in?
Name this spacecraft
What is the top speed of Sebulba's Pod?
How old is Anakin in Episode 1?
Which wars did Obi-Wan Kenobi fight in?
What is the Ewok medicine man's name?