Ultimate Walking Dead Quiz

Are you a real Walking Dead fan or did you just watch the show for the zombies?

Created by TeeHunter (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 9, 2015
1 / 50

Michonne saves whose life at the end of Season 2?

2 / 50

What was Andrea's job before the outbreak?

3 / 50

What does Daryl say before he shoots Dale?

4 / 50

What number did Shane have on his chain?

5 / 50

What was the first name of Michonne's son?

6 / 50

What did the Terminus signs say?

7 / 50

Who is the voice on the radio in the tank (Season 1)

8 / 50

Who does Rick first meet?

9 / 50

After the battle at the prison the group gets split up. Where do they reunite?

10 / 50

Who does Rick kill in the Season 5 finale?

11 / 50

What's the name of the hospital Beth gets taken in?

12 / 50

What was Hershel's occupation before the zombie apocalypse?

13 / 50

Who kills Beth?

14 / 50

Who killed Hershel?

15 / 50

What was the unit number on the side of Rick's Sheriff Cruiser? (Season 1)

16 / 50

Who did Rick handcuff to the roof?

17 / 50

What's the first thing Daryl says?

18 / 50

What is the name of Clementine's babysitter-turned-walker? (Walking Dead video game)

19 / 50

What's the name of Tyreese's girlfriend?

20 / 50

Who is the leader of Terminus?

21 / 50

What was the name of Carol's daughter?

22 / 50

Who said "We can all live together. There's enough room for all of us." ?

23 / 50

What County did Rick work in as a Sheriff?

24 / 50

What does Rick use to kill his first Walker?

25 / 50

Who shoots Glenn in the Season 5 finale?

26 / 50

Who kills Shane?

27 / 50

The hostage exchange for Beth and Carol took place in which hospital?

28 / 50

What's the name of the community Noah's family lived in?

29 / 50

Who shot Carl?

30 / 50

Who did Carl shoot to prevent him/her from turning into a walker?

31 / 50

Who finds out there are walkers in Hershel's barn?

32 / 50

Where do you encounter your first walker in Telltale's Walking Dead video game?

33 / 50

"I don't want to be afraid of being alive." Who said it?

34 / 50

Eric gave Aaron a license plate for his collection from which state?

35 / 50

In which US state do all the episodes take place?

36 / 50

How many matches does Rick light in the hospital stairway? (Season 1)

37 / 50

The Governor is the leader of which town?

38 / 50

Who said "We are the walking dead"?

39 / 50

Who said: "End of the world don't mean shit when you got a tank."?

40 / 50

Who kills Otis?

41 / 50

Who is Milton?

42 / 50

Who beat up Ed, Carol's abusive husband?

43 / 50

Who was the first person to call the zombies Walkers?

44 / 50

Which country does Dr. Jenner from the CDC think may have a cure? (Season 1)

45 / 50

What is the name of Clementines mother? (Walking Dead video game)

46 / 50

What two characters from the Walking Dead TV Show do not appear in the comic books?

47 / 50

What was Glenn's job before the outbreak?

48 / 50

What was Shane's last name?

49 / 50

Where does Shane think the group should go instead of the CDC?

50 / 50

Which saint is Father Gabriel's church named after?

Questions left
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