Would You Survive Jurassic World?
Would You Survive Jurassic World?
Jurassic World comes out today and we are asking the classic question: would you survive?
Jurassic World comes out today and we are asking the classic question: would you survive?

How often do you go to the gym?
What do you buy when you go grocery shopping?
Have you ever shot a gun?
Dinosaur Knowledge Test: Can Velociraptors climb trees?
How do you react to the sight of blood?
How tall are you?
What's the furthest distance you ran recently?
How coordinated are you?
How good are you at hiding?
Are you going to find people and stick together or venture off alone?
YES! You survived by killing everything in your path.
YES! You survived by killing everything in your path.
You are a complete bad ass. While everyone else was running and trying to hide you found the biggest weapon you could and fought your way out. You're not afraid of any dinosaur, not even the T-Rex. I mean if David beat Goliath why can't you out smart a stubby armed behemoth? You made it out alive and are now selling the movie rights to your life story to Steven Spielberg. Congratulations!
YES! You survived by using your ninja hiding skills.
YES! You survived by using your ninja hiding skills.
You may not be the fastest or the strongest, but you are the stealthiest and that's what kept you alive. You always found the perfect place to go unseen when the Velociraptors came roaming around. The T-Rex has terrible vision anyways. And a genetically mutated dinosaur? Apparently not mutated enough to find you. Now you're in the cargo hold of the last helicopter off the island and nobody knows you're there. Nice work! When you get back home consider taking up a career as a spy or a professional hide and seek player. Either one.
NO! Sorry, but you got trampled in the fleeing crowd.
NO! Sorry, but you got trampled in the fleeing crowd.
Ah running, you've always hated it. Maybe your lack of coordination caused you to trip at the worst moment, maybe your legs were just too short to go fast enough, or maybe all those years of binging Netflix and drinking beer killed your ability to sprint for more than 15 seconds. Whatever the reason you got caught under the mob of tourists running from the loose T-Rex. Too bad.
NO! Sorry, but a pack of Velociraptors tore you apart.
NO! Sorry, but a pack of Velociraptors tore you apart.
Sometimes life just isn't fair. You escaped the mob safely, you navigated your way through the jungle to a well hidden spot, you even found food and water to keep you alive while you searched for a way out. Unfortunately, you didn't notice that pack of Velociraptors that was hunting you the entire time waiting for their moment to strike. It sucks, I know. But look, these are the most genetically advanced hunters on earth. The fact that it took an entire pack of them to kill you is pretty impressive. So at least you can hold your head high about that. Well not for long...you know, because they're going to eat you.
NO! A Quetzalcoatlus swooped down and got you.
NO! A Quetzalcoatlus swooped down and got you.
A Quetzalcoatlus is basically a much bigger pterodactyl. Apparently it saw you and thought "Huh, that would make a good snack" or whatever dinosaurs think. That's the disadvantage of being up high in the canopy, there are meat eaters in the sky too. You were so close too, you could see the last helicopter off the island in the distance...
NO! You got eaten by a T-Rex.
NO! You got eaten by a T-Rex.
Did you know that a T-Rex can smell blood from up to six miles away? Well they can, which is why your fate was pretty much sealed when you cut yourself while evading that Deinonychus pack. Maybe if you had bandaged up that wound a bit quicker the big guy wouldn't have noticed. But he did and now he's going to be eating you.