Boris Does His Best Paxman Impression In Banana Quoting Spree
Boris Does His Best Paxman Impression In Banana Quoting Spree
Former London mayor quizzes Alex Salmond on EU banana directives
Former London mayor quizzes Alex Salmond on EU banana directives

Alex Salmond
I'm glad he's abandoned the banana example
Boris Johnson
How many directives have the EU passed on bananas, Alex?
Alex Salmond
Well, don’t go with bananas
Boris Johnson
How many have they got? Are they all essential? How many are there?
Alex Salmond
Boris the bananas are not your strongest suit in this campaign
Boris Johnson
They’re obviously your strongest suit. May I ask you respectively how many directives there are on bananas? Have you looked at the banana directive?
Alex Salmond
Boris you’re clearly-
Boris Johnson
Have you got them there?
Alex Salmond
No, but I - I know
Boris Johnson
How many are there? Have you taken the trouble to research? Unlike you, you decided-
Alex Salmond
I know there’s not a restriction on bunches on bananas and I did look at the Bank of England paper on wages and the impact of immigration
Boris Johnson
I’ve warned you not to come into these debates so woefully under-prepared