How Well Do You Know Back To The Future?
How Well Do You Know Back To The Future?
Test your knowledge on the classic flick that's 30 years old
Test your knowledge on the classic flick that's 30 years old
What is the name of Doc's dog?
What fast food chain do we see when Marty McFly leaves Doc’s house on his skateboard at the start of the movie?
The movie was originally filmed with a different actor in the role of Marty – before it was re-shot starring Michael J Fox. Who was the actor?
Complete the line: “I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet…”
Doc Brown sets all of his clocks back, but by how long?
What is the name of Marty’s high school band?
At what time does lightning strike the clock tower?
What song is playing when Marty first arrives in Hill Valley in 1955?
What is Doc’s address in 1955?
What type of stories does George McFly write?
What speed does the DeLorean have to hit in order to time travel?
What nationality are the terrorists that shoot Doc?
What are the names of Biff’s gang members?
What shopping mall did Doc Brown use to show Marty his time machine?
By what name did Marty McFly go by in 1955?