Can You Pass The Ultimate Miracle On 34th Street Trivia?
Can You Pass The Ultimate Miracle On 34th Street Trivia?
Miracle On 34th Street is a timeless holiday classic. Everyone probably knows that Santa's name is "Kris Kringle", but are you familiar enough with the movie to get a perfect score on this difficult trivia?
Miracle On 34th Street is a timeless holiday classic. Everyone probably knows that Santa's name is "Kris Kringle", but are you familiar enough with the movie to get a perfect score on this difficult trivia?
Can you name the "nursing home" Kris Kringle lived in before becoming Macy's Santa?
Who persuades Kris not to give up after he's been committed?
Doris was upset with Fred for going on an ____ binge.
When the trial was over: what did the District Attorney have to run out and get his son for Christmas?
Where does Mr. Sawyer take Kris to be committed?
Where does Kris tell the angry mother that she can find her son's toy fire engine?
Shellhammer overheard Kris tell a mother to buy her daughters skates where?
Why does Kris get upset with Mr. Sawyer?
From what kind of "complex" did Sawyer say Alfred suffered?
What does Susan ask Kris to get her for Christmas?
When playing "pretend" with Kris, what animal does Susan try to imitate?
What is the name of the District Attorney prosecutor who was trying Kris in court?
Where was the location of the "nursing home" in which Kris used to live?
What kind of tendencies does Sawyer claim Kris will surely exhibit?
In the beginning, Kris helped a man with his reindeer display. Which reindeer did Kris say should be on his right-hand side?