Can We Guess Where In America You're From?
Can We Guess Where In America You're From?
We may not be able to guess your state with 100% accuracy, but by answering these simple questions, can we guess more or less what part of the country you're from?
We may not be able to guess your state with 100% accuracy, but by answering these simple questions, can we guess more or less what part of the country you're from?
When addressing a group of people, which of these are you most likely to say for a plural version of "you?"
Which would you most likely call a carbonated, flavored beverage?
How do you pronounce the word "Aunt?"
What do you call the area of grass or concrete that's placed in the middle of some streets?
What do you call a long sandwich with deli meats, cheese, lettuce, etc.?
What do you call this machine that dispenses water?
What do you call the smaller road that runs parallel to a highway?
What do you call a traffic situation in which several roads meet in a circle and you have to get off at a certain point?
When you are cold, and little points of skin begin to appear on your arms and legs, you have what?
When you stand outside with a long line of people waiting to get in somewhere, are you standing "in line" or "on line" (as in, "I stood ___ in the cold for two hours before they opened the doors")?
Which of these terms would you most likely use for a day where you sell your used items on your own property?
If I was to say, "I'm going to the City this weekend!" which city would you think I'm referring to?
What do you call long underwear?
Which of these would you be most likely to encounter near your home?
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West Coast
West Coast
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The South
The South
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New York
New York
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