Which TV Lawyer Are You?

Discover which television attorney is your soulmate.

Toshia Smith
Created by Toshia Smith (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 20, 2015

You show up to class late and forgot that it was the day of your final exam. What do you do?

Your best friend shows up to your house at 4am wearing a bloody shirt and holding a shovel. What do you do?

You spend a Friday night at home. Which movie do you watch?

You win the lottery. What is the first thing you immediately buy?

Your mortal enemy accuses you of stealing their favorite pen. What do you do?

Driving home, you notice that a car has been tailing you for the last 20 minutes. What do you do?

You are given the opportunity to bring one deceased celebrity back to life. Which one do you pick.

Annalise Keating-"How to Get Away With Murder"

Annalise Keating-"How to Get Away With Murder"

You are feisty, independent, and resourceful. You don't back down, no matter how grim the odds may be against you. When a friend comes to you for help, you do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if that means getting your hands a little dirty. You don't believe in losing. You like having others around, but being the boss is the goal.

Olivia Pope-"Scandal"

Olivia Pope-"Scandal"

You believe in the greater good. Your friend's happiness is more important to you than your own. You like to know the motivations behind the actions of others. You are not quick to judge and like to make others feel comfortable in the situations. You're not a pushover, but you know how far to push others in order to get the best result.

Angela Valdez-"Power"

Angela Valdez-"Power"

You're a romantic. When you love, you love hard. You'll do whatever it takes to protect your friends. Even when all the evidence points to you being wrong, you trust in yourself and believe everything will work out. You have no problem letting others have some control over your life, just as long as you get to live it with them.

Harvey Specter-"Suits"

Harvey Specter-"Suits"

You exude confidence. You are usually the smartest person in the room, and everyone knows it. You hate to lose, but you hate to lose a friend even more. Your loyalty knows no bounds. What is a challenge for others usually comes easy for you. You struggle to let others in, but once you do, their in for life.

Marcia and Chris-"Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"

Marcia and Chris-"Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"

You're a riot. You like to have fun, but are sometimes clueless when things go wrong. You may lack confidence, but that doesn't stop you from trying. Even when you have no idea what you're doing, your creativity outshines your inabilities. You might not always win, but you remain optimistic and are happy just going along for the ride.

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