Which "Three's Company" Character Are You?

Remember that zany, sexually charged zeitgeist of a show "Three's Company" that you weren't supposed to watch, but did when your parents weren't paying attention? Remember all those jokes about sex you didn't get until you were older? Remember how the characters convinced you how your life would be when you "grew up" if you were lucky? Well take this quiz and see which character from the show embodied your innermost traits from the shallowest decade of mankind's existence.

Created by Trinacria (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 29, 2015

Pick a neck accessory

You're at the “Regal Beagle” and someone asks to buy you a drink, do you...

Your best friend is caught in a lie, and the only way out is for you to marry someone you despise, do you ...?

You have your ear to the kitchen door and from the dialogue on the other side believe 2 people may be having sex, do you

Pick an exercise

Which phrase best describes the human mating ritual?

Pick an animal

Lastly, you’re up for a promotion, but are told you’ll only get it if you seduce your manager, do you...?



You are hot! But...this is the 1970's, so even Elliott Gould was considered hot. Still, you manage to bumble your way through life and situations by using your charm, self-effacing wit and overall good nature. Your motives may not always be pure, but you come around in the end when your friends are concerned.



By any standard and in any situation, you are the "Babe", but not necessarily bright enough to realize it. You have a good heart, pay careful attention to your physical appearance (hey...the thigh-master didn't come out of nowhere). However you are not at all shallow-- you have a very strict moral code and loyalty, especially when it comes to your friends (until it comes to contract negotiation...then it's everyone for him/herself).



Intelligent, aware, sophisticated....you'd have it all if you weren't so paranoid and self-conscious around others. You bounce back and forth between diets, jobs and relationships and tend to leave a situation just ahead of feeling people will discover you're not good enough. But you no-nonsense drive and integrity will help you achieve any lifelong dream...including an appearance on "The Love Boat".



Slightly sleazy, slightly slimy, slightly crude...you'd be interesting if it weren't for a total lack of a personality. Luckily you tend to identify more interesting, successful and charismatic people to latch onto to make you look like you're part of the same crowd. Unfortunately, you have to wait around for sloppy seconds and in the bar-scene' you are known as the world's "runner-up" (unless the contest is who's had the clap the most times).

Mr Furley

Mr Furley

Clueless to how archaic you have become, you manage to garner sympathy from those around you who try to humor you (but just so you know...they're laughing AT you, not WITH you). You're never-ending thirst for knowledge (specifically about other people's lives) drives you to try to understand things as best you can by using all methods at your disposal (binoculars, night-vision glasses, or even an old-fashioned glass cup to your ear to listen), yet you still can't operate a remote control for your TV.

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