mattress sale
mattress sale
No Health Hazards with the Best Mattresses in Town
If you sleep poorly or in a bad position, you not only increase the risk of back and joint problems, but also increase the risk of diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Working together to grant you peaceful slumber, our experts will look into how you are healthier and sleep better with the right mattress.
Have you slept badly for a couple of nights? Did you know your driving ability can deteriorate from sleep deprivation almost as badly as if you were driving drunk? Your reaction time is reduced and your ability to judge distances and the actions of other road users deteriorates. Your ability to concentrate also dramatically drops. This also means that even when you get to work, you will often find it harder to achieve your daily tasks simply because you are working more slowly.
Every person regularly suffers from insomnia. But bad sleep is not just about sleeping too little at night. The latest research shows that it is also extremely important to be in the correct sleeping position. If you are lying wrong, you reduce the effect of the cleansing process that makes the brain ready for a new day, by processing yesterday’s experiences and removing waste material from the brain. You can try the mattresses from amattress sale for the best results now!
Now we know what happens when we sleep
As soon as sleep occurs, the cells shrink in the brain, allowing room for the cleansing process to start. It is the amount of potassium in the fluid surrounding the brain cells that determines the size of the cells. If the concentration is low, we fall asleep and the cells shrink. If it is it high, the cells swell up and you wake up.
The discovery is only a few years old and is due to a research attempt that was tested on mice. When sprayed with a low potassium concentration into a cavity just below the cerebellum, the mice fell asleep. Similarly, the mice woke up again as soon as they received liquid with a high concentration of potassium into the cavity. You can read more about the research here.
The same happens in the human brain and if we lie in the right way, we can increase the effect of the cleansing process that begins as soon as we fall asleep and the brain cells shrink. The purification process removes a lot of different wastes, including beta amyloid and tau proteins, which can most often be measured at highly concentrated levels within the brain of Alzheimer's patients.
Benefits of sleeping on the side
There are also tests with mice that have given us knowledge about which position is the healthiest to sleep in. Researchers at the American Stony Brook University studied the influence of the locus on the learning ability of mice and other rodents. They simply forced them to lie on either their side, back, or stomach when they were sleeping.
Here it was observed that the mice that slept on their side passed the memory trials more effectively. At the same time, a more effective removal of the waste materials in the brain could be detected when the mice were sleeping on their side.
Disadvantages of sleeping on the side
However, there are also disadvantages of sleeping on the side, as in some cases it does not matter which side you sleep on.
For example, if you sleep on the right side, you may face problems with heartburn, backache or stomach ache. This is because your stomach will lie over the esophagus entry into the stomach when you sleep on the right side. On the other hand, if you turn on to the left side, the stomach comes under the esophagus and then removes or decreases the pressure.
On the other hand, the pressure on the liver, lungs and stomach increases on the left side. So no matter what side you sleep on, it can cause different kinds of pressure and give complications in the long run. However, the vast majority of people sleep well throughout their entire life without ever experiencing any serious complications.
Should I completely avoid sleeping on my back or stomach?
It does not mean that for the rest of your life you should avoid lying on your back or stomach when you sleep. Sleeping in either of those positions for a short period of time makes no difference. It is only if you sleep mostly on your stomach or on the back that complications can occur.
One of the most well-known side effects of sleeping on your back is an increased risk of snoring and developing sleep apnea. This is due to relaxed muscles in the throat or enlarged throat, which in most cases is due to either age or being overweight.
If you suffer from sleep apnea, the respiratory tract closes when you lie on your back and there are long periods of time when you do not breathe and therefore receive too little oxygen to the brain during sleep. As a result, you are most often woken up in your sleep several times during the night, this also means that the cleansing process that occurs during sleep is interrupted unnecessarily. This can have an impact on your health in your daily life, and even if you avoid obvious clinical problems, it can eventually lead to an increased risk of contracting Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.
Sleeping on your stomach, you are at greater risk of developing problems with the neck. However, this is often only relevant if you sleep often and long on your stomach. It is important to remember to turn your head to one of the sides as you may otherwise have trouble getting enough air, thus stretching your neck and neck joints unnecessarily. In addition, your back does not get enough support during sleep. So after a night's sleep on the stomach, you will most often also experience problems with the back and thighs.
How do you avoid an unhealthy position?
If you're not sleeping mostly on your side when you sleep at night, it's a good idea to get proactive about doing something about it. However, it is perfectly natural for us to stay in different sleeping positions for short or long periods of time- and that is all right. But there is always one sleeping position that we have a greater preference for, and that position should preferably be included on one of these pages.
If that is not already the case, it may seem difficult to change. Only a small minority have control over their body when they sleep. This means that even if we are sleeping on one side to begin with, promising ourselves to stay in that position, we can reflexively return to our preferred sleeping position once we fall asleep. Thus, despite our best efforts, we wake up the next morning in the position we usually sleep in.