7 Things Every New Sooner Should Know
7 Things Every New Sooner Should Know
New to the OU family? Don't worry, we have you covered. From past presidents to present day study tips, here are seven things every new Sooner should know!
New to the OU family? Don't worry, we have you covered. From past presidents to present day study tips, here are seven things every new Sooner should know!

Boomer Sooner!
Initially, Boomers or Rough Riders were the two original mascots of the university athletic teams before Sooners were incorporated in 1908. Now, our mascots reflect our state’s heritage and, today, symbolizes a spirit of resilience and perseverance as well as inclusivity which unites all who are part of the University of Oklahoma family.
University College
All freshman go there to get advised, but University College is much more than just one stop on the way to your degree. Located in Lissa and Cy Wagner Hall, University College offers scholarship opportunities, career tests, and action tutoring. Plus, there are places within the building to sit down and study or just take a break throughout the day.
Our First President
Here at the University of Oklahoma, anything can grow if you have the drive to make it so. This spirit of success started with OU’s first president, David Ross Boyd. When Boyd arrived in Norman, Oklahoma in 1892, he greeted a barren expanse of prairie with only one remark: “What possibilities!” The trees Boyd planted would become the forebears of the beautiful campus we see today. Boyd, now embodied as our famous seed sower, sowed not only physical seeds but also seeds of knowledge, opportunity and tradition. As a new Sooner, you will find a family that cares about you and your success, a culture we attribute to David Ross Boyd himself.
Fight Song
OU’s simple yet classic fight song was written in 1905 by Norman native Arthur M. Alden. He borrowed the tune from Yale’s “Boola Boola” and then, a year later, added the “Sooner born, Sooner bred” line, adapted from North Carolina’s “I’m a Tarheel Born.” OU’s fight song is one of the most recognizable in the nation.
Pro Study Tips
You probably already know the Bizzell Memorial Library is a great place to study, but what you might not know is that there are other, smaller libraries all across campus. The Western History Collections, Fine Arts Library, and the Youngblood Energy Library are just some examples of great places to get focused, hunker down, and study all the information that you waited too long to absorb.
Crimson and Cream
As a new Sooner, you will be wearing lots of crimson and cream. In 1895, OU’s first female faculty member, Mary J. Overstreet, and OU's fourth president, James Buchanan, served on a committee to select the university’s official colors, finally deciding on “crimson” and “corn” (yes, corn). It didn't take long to realize the “corn” color was a little tricky for merchandise, so crimson and cream was born. Now, for over a century, the university's colors have been worn by Sooner athletes and fans alike. From move-in day to graduation, crimson and cream are the ultimate symbols for Sooner Pride.
Career Services
It’s never too early to consider your future after OU. Career Services is not just for seniors or students close to graduation. The career counselors in their offices are always excited and ready to help in any way they can, whether that means preparing to apply for post-grad jobs, helping students find direction for their goals, or even getting an on-campus job during the school year. They also offer resume workshops and mock interviews to make sure you’re ready to nail down whatever job you’re up for.