How Well Do You Know These Rare Disney Songs?

Let's go beyond Let it Go.

Valerie Mack
Created by Valerie Mack
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 12

Which song happens inside a snow globe of St. Paul's Cathedral?

2 / 12

Which song has the lyric "When we're through, boys will gladly go to war for you"?

3 / 12

What song does Jenny sing to Oliver at the piano?

4 / 12

In what movie can we find the song The Gorillas?

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Which song was cut out of Peter Pan?

6 / 12

In what movie do we hear the jaunty instrumental The Goose Steps High?

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Which of these songs was cut from Cinderella?

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Which song does this character sing?

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This French chef sings a song about fish called what?

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What is the name of the song about this character?

11 / 12

Which Aladdin song features cries of "Riffraff! Street rat! Scoundrel! Take that!"

12 / 12

Which 90s star sang Go the Distance from Hercules?

Questions left
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