What Is Your Introvert Quotient?
What Is Your Introvert Quotient?
There are a lot of Introvert quizzes, but these simple, everyday questions are the key to determining your true IQ (introvert quotient).
There are a lot of Introvert quizzes, but these simple, everyday questions are the key to determining your true IQ (introvert quotient).
How many times do you push the snooze button in the morning?
Are there any co-workers that you avoid?
When eating out, how often do servers typically check in with you?
How do you feel about business meetings?
Do you answer your phone?
Is "home you" different than "work you"?
Are you more of a talker or a listener at parties?
Do you ever worry that your pet is mad at you or doesn't like you?
When you see a passive aggressive status by one of your friends on Facebook, do you think it's about you?
And finally, (think!!!) when you drop your toast, how does it land?
Your Introvert Quotient is Very High.
Your Introvert Quotient is Very High.
You've got an introvert quotient of 92-99, which is just about as high a score you can get. This means that you are a classic introvert. People think you're shy or quiet, but you're really very introspective and tend to get lost in your thoughts, which considering how deep and complicated your thoughts are, isn't that hard to do.
Your Introvert Quotient is High.
Your Introvert Quotient is High.
You've got an introvert quotient of 84-92, which is a fairly high score. This means that you are mostly an introvert. There may even be people who are surprised that you're an introvert, but that's just because you're very good at being one. You stick to social situations that are one on one, or in small groups, because that's where you shine.
Your Introvert Quotient is Not High.
Your Introvert Quotient is Not High.
You've got an introvert quotient of 64-72, which not a very high score. This means that you are an occasional introvert. Some people are surprised by your so-called anti-social tendencies, but you aren't being anti-social, you just need a little time alone to recharge and regroup before you can be your regular social self again.
Your Introvert Quotient is Low
Your Introvert Quotient is Low
You've got an introvert quotient of 48-62, which is a fairly low score. This means that you are mostly an extrovert. Your friends (and you have a lot of them) would be surprised to hear that you occasionally get nervous in a social situation, but that's just your introverted side breaking through.