How Well Do You Remember Secondary Characters From These Iconic 90s Sitcoms?
How Well Do You Remember Secondary Characters From These Iconic 90s Sitcoms?
The 1990s produced some spectacular movies, music, and celebrities. But the decade's biggest contribution may be the bountiful and fun-loving sitcoms that many of us grew up watching. Find out how much you were paying attention with this quiz of secondary characters from these classic 90s shows!
The 1990s produced some spectacular movies, music, and celebrities. But the decade's biggest contribution may be the bountiful and fun-loving sitcoms that many of us grew up watching. Find out how much you were paying attention with this quiz of secondary characters from these classic 90s shows!
What is the character on the right's name?
Who was this character on Boy Meets World?
What happened to Mr. Heckles?
Who is this?
What relation did this woman have to The Nanny?
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What sport did Harvey play in Sabrina The Teenage Witch?
What is this character's name from Will & Grace?
Who did Becky get married to on Roseanne?
What is Newman's occupation?
What show was this character on?
Who was this character on Full House?
You Remember The Secondary Characters Perfectly
You Remember The Secondary Characters Perfectly
Wow, you know your stuff!!!! You really are a devoted 90s sitcom fan! You got everything right - great job showing off your TV knowledge. Some of these characters were pretty random so pat yourself on the back for having such a great memory of the golden era of sitcoms!
Looks like you need some 90s sitcome freshenin' up...
Looks like you need some 90s sitcome freshenin' up...
You didn't really know the minute details in all of these 90s sitcoms - but that's O.K.! This was a very hard quiz, which had a bunch of very secondarycharacters - so don't stress. But if you really wanna know everything about the 90s, and have a blast while doing it, you should catch up on some old shows!