Which My Little Pony Villain are You?
Which My Little Pony Villain are You?
Discover your dark side! My Little Pony style!
Discover your dark side! My Little Pony style!
![Victoria Villanuova](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-XdUIqdMkCWA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/4252rscbv5M/photo.jpg?sz=50)
Created by Victoria Villanuova(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 9, 2015
Pick a villain
Pick your weapon..
Which bad thing are you good at?
What caused evil to envelope you?
Do you laugh manically?
Pick your lair...
Pick a mask
Reveal your weakness..
What makes you tick?
Do you work alone?
You don't give a pony's tale about the welfare of others and you have a twisted sense of humor.
Talk about power hungry...
Nightmare Moon
Nightmare Moon
Feeling a bit disregarded?
Queen Chrysalis
Queen Chrysalis
Awesomely creepy!!!!
King Sombra
King Sombra
You are the very spirit of evil.
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