Which Cartoon TV Dad Is Yours Most Like?

With Father's Day coming up, we thought it'd be fun to put together a quiz about cartoon dads. So is your daddy more like Bobby Belcher or more like Homer Simpson? Take this quiz and find out!

New York Global Marketing Solutions
Created by New York Global Marketing Solutions (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 21, 2015

Your dad is always there for you.

Is your dad boring?

Your dad works...

What does your dad drink?

Is your dad a good father?

Homer Simpson

Homer Simpson

Your dad's favorite pastimes might be drinking beer, eating donuts and watching TV, but your dad loves you, even if you get on his nerves or forgets you sometimes. The feeling's mutual, of course! You love this stupid, silly man. Who else would give up his chance at wealth to allow his daughter to keep a cherished teddy bear?

Bob Belcher

Bob Belcher

Did this 'chorizo own dad' quiz land you boring Bob Belcher? You'd better believe it! But besides bad food puns, your father cares and tries — from dressing up as a brony to get your prized possession back and marathoning silly TV shows no one else likes to fighting the sexy dance instructor you have a crush on to prove his validity as a man. OK, so your father's day gift for him might have been made from the lost and found in your grandpa's basement (or maybe it's just a tub of mud), but you love him too. He a pretty cool dad, even if no one could get you to say that in words.

Ned Flanders

Ned Flanders

Hi-Diddily-Ho! Your father is most like Ned Flanders, the bible-thumping next door neighbor in "The Simpsons." He raised you with faith and religion and to always have a positive attitude in life.

Sterling Archer

Sterling Archer

Your dad doesn't want to be a dad and doesn't know how to be like one. But he is a womanizing and irresponsible alcoholic, which explains how you were born. You have to give him some slack though. If you had the parental guidance of Mallory Archer and your only male role model growing up was Woodhouse, having repressed Mommy issues would be the least of your problems. After all, there's much more dangerous things — such as brain aneurisms for one. (Well, if you don't die from crocodiles or alcoholism first.) And look on the bright side! I mean, how cool would it be to tell everyone that your dad's an international spy, right? Oh wait, you weren't supposed to tell anyone that......



Your dad might look mean and nasty, but he's really a softie at heart. He'll do anything for you if he could — including stealing the moon.

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