The ultimate pirate quiz
The ultimate pirate quiz
As Black Sails series 3 arrives on Virgin TV's shores, we ask – arrrgh you a buccaneer boffin? Play our quiz to find out, and visit for more telly treats...
As Black Sails series 3 arrives on Virgin TV's shores, we ask – arrrgh you a buccaneer boffin? Play our quiz to find out, and visit for more telly treats...

Name the pirate ship in this picture…
True or false: pirates believed having pierced ears would improve their hearing
Which comedy actor played the title role in 1983 spoof pirate movie, Yellowbeard?
Can you name this pirate?
Which of the following actors has NOT portrayed Long John Silver?
Black Sails mixes fictional buccaneers with real-life ones. Which of the following is the only made-up pirate?
Geena Davis starred as pirate Morgan Adams in which nautical 1995 movie?
True or false: International Talk Like A Pirate Day is a thing.
Can you name the actor who makes this well-disguised cameo in Steven Spielberg’s Hook?
Which of the following movie captains is the only one who isn’t a pirate?
Whose music was used to scare off real-life Somali pirates in 2013?
Which actor is credited with creating the traditional, “Arrrgh, me hearties?” pirate voice?